
Photo of Marcela and another student during the Marketing Executive Coaching Program
Johnson BusinessFeed

Top marketing executives empower Johnson students to reach their goals

MBA students are confronted with difficult leaps of faith as we explore careers and look for our dream jobs. Johnson challenges me to think even bigger.

Finalists at the 2017 SC Johnson Case Competition
Johnson BusinessFeed

Practice makes perfect: Bringing core marketing principles to life with the SC Johnson Case Competition

Our goal is to provide students with intensive, roll-your-sleeves-up experience in leadership, collaboration, decision-making, and strategic thinking.

Beyond networking: Johnson’s annual Marketing Executive Coaching Program
Johnson BusinessFeed

Beyond networking: Johnson’s annual Marketing Executive Coaching Program

This annual program was not only the highlight of my first year at Johnson, but changed the direction of my career entirely.

Experience and agility for hire

Experience and agility for hire

Gary Fassak ’76, MBA ’78

The chief marketing mind behind Topo Chico’s success

The chief marketing mind behind Topo Chico’s success

Gerardo Galvan, Executive MBA Americas ’18