Blog Posts


Research: WTO Accession and Performance of Chinese Manufacturing Firms

Prof. Yifan Zhang (CICER faculty affiliate)’s research on the impact of WTO on Chinese manufacturing sectors is accepted by the American Economic Review. Paper: WTO Accession and Performance of Chinese […]

JGSM New Student Orientation Head Shots

Inspired by SGE and the Johnson Community

Inspired by SGE and the Johnson Community by Miles Archer, MBA ’18 and Environmental Finance and Impact Investing Fellow How I’ve drawn from Johnson lessons to succeed at my internship. […]


Building Mumbai’s Largest Veterinary Hospital

Building Mumbai’s Largest Veterinary Hospital by Shantanu Naidu, MBA ’18   My experience at the Johnson Graduate School of Management since last fall has been preparing me for my summer […]


Prescription for treating urban diseases (治理大城市病的药方)

美国康奈尔大学中国经济研究所历时2年研究开出 治理大城市病的药方 2017-06-16 09:53:59       来源:海外网 (相关学术文章/related academic paper: The Marginal Cost of Traffic Congestion and Road Pricing: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Beijing) 交通拥堵,是世界各大城市尤其是中等收入国家的“城市病”。近年来,北京市政府多管齐下,实行包括“摇号购车”、“尾号限行”等降低小汽车出行强度、提高交通供给能力、挖掘交通设施潜能、优化职住平衡的措施,治理交通拥堵“城市病”,取得了一定效果。 “国际经验告诉我们,单纯依赖供给侧或者行政手段很难有效的解决拥堵问题。治理拥堵需要一个系统的方法包括城市规划和交通技术的改善以及消费者观念上的转变,但核心应该是道路使用付费制度,即拥堵费制度。”美国康奈尔大学中国经济研究所主任李善军建议,为了进一步解决交通堵塞这个世界性难题,北京应改在大规模改善公共交通之后,开始征收拥堵费。 “征收拥堵费,是一种被经济学家们公认的社会最优的政策调控方式。”李善军介绍,该对策是诺贝尔经济学奖获得者威廉•维克里在1959年为美国纽约市交通厅做解决拥堵问题的咨询报告中首先提出的。其经济学原理在于,通过征收拥堵费使扭曲的交通资源价格回归正常。“我们应该转变观念,把道路作为资源或生产投入来看待。如果我们免费提供一个好的资源或生产投入,对这一资源的需求就会过大。拥堵和污染从根本上讲都是由于资源,比如道路和清洁空气定价不合理导致的”。 […]


Secrets, Grit and Execution

Secrets, Grit and Execution by Patrick Grumley, MBA ’17 How the SGE immersion prepared me for my internship as a strategy consultant I have a secret, and I’m worried that […]


Should you consider Sustainable Global Enterprise if you want to go into Brand Management?

Should you consider Sustainable Global Enterprise if you want to go into Brand Management? by Joseph Barber, MBA ‘17 Being a Brand Management Intern for the world’s biggest board game […]


How Trump gave China’s ‘Belt and Road’ scheme a boost

Beijing initiative helps Chinese companies explore markets along ancient Silk Road trade route. By Cary Huang (Read article in PDF format or Read article at South China Morning Post) Chinese President […]


Nixon funding makes exposure to international business, culture, and language possible

Nixon funding makes exposure to international business, culture, and language possible by Alex Woo, MBA ’17 Let me tell you, 2016 was quite a rollercoaster. Bouncing between academic work, networking, […]


News: Can Xi, Trump seal a Sino-US grand deal?

Victor Nee says that, despite their starkly different personalities, Donald Trump and Xi Jinping actually have much in common. Now, with reciprocal visits all but sealed, it remains to be […]