News & Announcements

The Innovation Challenges and Achievements of Latin America
EMI Research Assistant, Sukriti Jain highlights Lourdes Casanova’s work on innovation in Latin America. by Sukriti Jain, Research Assistant, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management The case of innovation […]
Center for Hospitality Research roundtable promotes hospitality sustainability
As the hospitality industry moves ahead in finding ways to document its many sustainability initiatives, participants in the 2012 Cornell Sustainability Roundtable addressed current issues in reporting, benchmarking, the supply […]
Amy Yao ’13 Wins WX Scholarship
New York Women Executives in Real Estate, WX, has named Amy Yao ’13 as a winner of one of its WX Scholarships for 2013. WX New York Women Executives in […]
Inaugural CREF Webcast Highlights Realities of Asian Real Estate Investment
The first in a series of CREF webcasts focused on the current status of real estate investment in Asia, including methods for investing, the status of capital markets, and how […]
Visiting scholars bring new ideas and energy to the Center for Hospitality Research
A group of visiting scholars have brought an international flair to the Center for Hospitality Research (CHR) during this academic year, both in terms of academic scholarship and cultural enrichment. […]
OEE introduces videoconferencing custom programs
New from the Office of Executive Education—custom programs through videoconferencing! Bring an SHA faculty expert to your property for a one-time presentation or offer a series of workshops over time […]
One student’s quest for learning
Kanika Thakran MMH ’13’s webpage concept started with a classroom assignment when senior lecturer Bill Carroll asked her to make a presentation on hotel industry trends. Thakran, a student in […]
Tarallo Joins Pillsbury Institute as Academic Director
Neil Tarallo, newly appointed academic director of the Leland C. and Mary M. Pillsbury Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship (PIHE), comes to the School of Hotel Administration from Syracuse University, where […]