Two-Year MBA
OneEnergy Scholars Award Supports Energy Research
by Brian Liberatore, MBA ’16 I can think of few industries as fascinating as energy right now. New technology, shifting regulations, and exploding international demand are changing everything we know […]
Tackling Innovation Challenges Through SMI
by Colin Shengbo Gu, MBA ‘15 “We are all really impressed by your final presentation, Colin. Congratulations!” This final comment concluded my 11-week summer internship at Corning Inc. as a […]
Is It Enough to Make a Buck?
by Ace Stryker, MBA ‘16 On a trip to NYC SGE students heard from startups and Fortune 50 companies, from entrepreneurs and investment bankers, from real estate developers and ice […]
Calm Before (and after) the Storm: A Summer in Disaster Management
by Damian Kearney, MBA ‘15 Interning with Accenture Development Partnerships in the Philippines, Damian Kearney worked with clients trying to improve the disaster preparedness and recovery sectors. The Philippines is […]
Building a Plane Midflight
by Trevor Wirsig, MBA ‘15 Using what I learned at Johnson to make an impact during my consulting internship. My project as a summer intern in Deloitte Consulting’s mergers andacquisitions […]
Business as Unusual at Patagonia
by Brendan Condit, MBA ‘15 Though his unconventional experience at Patagonia included surf lessons and flip flops at work, Brendan Condit’s (MBA ’15) biggest takeaway was the attitude of employees […]
Learning from Top Industry Leaders
by Samuel Kessler Swenson, MBA ‘15 Students interested in global markets can benefit greatly from hearing the perspectives of people that have risen to the top of their respective financial […]
Investing in Sustainability to Ensure Energy Independence and Political Stability
by Arnab Mukherjee, MBA ‘15 SGE immersion students learn that in light of climate change, the DOD is at the forefront of managing their carbon footprint, conducting research on alternative […]
Capital Markets and Asset Management Immersion: The Key to Thriving
by Rafael Alegria, MBA ‘14 One of the main reasons I chose Johnson was to acquire necessary skills to transition from a role in Managerial Finance to Sales and Trading. […]