Parker Center for Investment Research Faculty & Staff

Scott Stewart
Faculty Director, Parker Center for Investment Research; Clinical Professor of Finance and Accounting; Designated Manager, Cayuga MBA Fund sds58@cornell.eduScott D. Stewart is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Boston Security Analyst Society. Between 2002 and 2012 he was research associate professor in the Finance Department at Boston University School of Management, and Faculty Director of the Master of Science in Investment Management program. Scott joined Boston University following a career in portfolio management running global equity, fixed income and asset allocation money, including 14 years at Fidelity Investments, where he was founder and Equity Group Leader of the $45 billion Structured Investments Group, and earned broad recognition for superior investment performance. He was also Senior Advisor to Equity Research at Fidelity and earlier a portfolio manager at State Street Bank Asset Management Division (now Global Advisors). His research interests include portfolio management techniques, the behavior of institutional investors, equity valuation, management education and the use of technology in finance. He actively speaks at both academic and practitioner conferences, has published articles in The Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Portfolio Management, and The Financial Review and is coauthor of Running Money: Professional Portfolio Management (2011, McGraw-Hill). Scott actively manages money, consults and teaches courses in investment research and portfolio management. He earned his MBA and Ph.D. in finance at Cornell University, and is a CFA charter holder.

Sanjeev Bhojraj
Alumni Chair in Asset Management; Co-Faculty Director, Parker Center for Investment Research; Professor of Accounting sb235@cornell.eduProfessor Bhojraj is the Alumni Chair in Asset Management and faculty advisor at the Parker Center for Investment Research. He has been a part of the Johnson faculty since 1999 and served as the faculty director of the Parker Center and sole designated manager of the Cayuga Fund from 2005-2014. His research interests are in the areas of corporate governance, behavioral finance, discretionary disclosure of information by firms, and international accounting and valuation. He has taught courses in applied portfolio management, financial analysis and financial accounting. He is an award-winning instructor and has received several teaching awards from the MBA and Executive MBA classes. In addition, he was featured as Cornell’s highest rated professor in The Wall Street Journal’s 2008 “Special Report” on executive MBA programs. He also received outstanding faculty recognition in the 2003 edition of BusinessWeek’s “Guide to The Best Business Schools.” Professor Bhojraj is certified as a chartered accountant and a cost accountant. He worked in India and Indonesia before pursuing his doctorate.

Lakshmi Bhojraj
Breazzano Family Executive Director of the Parker Center; Founder, Women in Investing (WIN) Conference lr10@cornell.eduLakshmi Bhojraj is the Breazzano Family Executive Director of the Parker Center for Investment Research at Cornell University. In this role, Lakshmi develops and maintains corporate relationships for the Parker Center, advises students with an interest in asset management careers, and runs several signature events for the Center and Johnson, including the MBA Stock Pitch Challenge, the Women in Investing (WIN) Conference at the MBA and undergraduate levels, which she founded in 2010 and 2016, respectively, and the Undergraduate Stock Pitch Challenge, which she initiated in 2011. She also designs executive education programs for professionals working in the investment management industry. A key objective of the activities she leads within the center and at Cornell is to provide students with experiential and immersion learning by delivering hands-on, real-world projects and experiences as well as networking and job opportunities. Under Lakshmi’s leadership, the Parker Center continues to grow student engagement, alumni outreach, campus and corporate partnerships, and knowledge sharing in support of the center’s mission to education and train students to become leading investment professionals. Lakshmi has been featured in the Financial Times and Bloomberg BusinessWeek for her work in promoting women in the asset management industry, and in numerous other media outlets discussing the Center’s work, including Pensions and Investments magazine, Financial History magazine, and in television appearances on CNBC and CNN fn.
Prior to assuming her current role, she was an equity analyst at Salomon Smith Barney, now Citi, where she covered the Life Sciences industry. Before obtaining her MBA, Lakshmi was an associate equity analyst at Deutsche Bank where she covered the medical devices industry. Lakshmi is a graduate of Johnson and also obtained her undergraduate degree from Cornell University.