Founded by Lakshmi Bhojraj, Breazzano Family Executive Director of the Parker Center, in 2010, the MBA Women in Investing Conference is designed to educate MBA students about the rewarding career opportunities available in investment management, a field in which women are vastly underrepresented.
Thursday, November 20 - Friday, November 21, 2025; Boston, MA
WIN is a forum for full-time MBA students and investment professionals from sponsoring firms to gather and:
Hear perspectives on investment careers and related topics from industry representatives
Learn from distinguished professionals in the industry
Showcase their stock-picking skills in front of judges from sponsoring firms and obtain feedback on their pitches
More than 60 MBA students and 65 representatives from sponsor firms are expected to attend. WIN is an inclusive event and interested students of all gender identities are welcome to apply.
WIN was a life-changing opportunity for me. I applied to the WIN Conference with two main objectives, both of which were satisfied beyond my imagination. My first goal was to meet and expand my network with women within the investment management field. The speakers held impactful presentations and offered sincere career advice and guidance. Secondly, the conference created a platform to apply to recruiting investment companies directly. As a result of my attendance at the WIN Conference, I secured three job interviews. I am looking forward to the event again this year!
Iris Chipendo, Rutgers Business School, MBA '21
"The WIN conference was a fantastic opportunity to hear and learn from distinguished keynote speakers and panelists. The stock pitch showcase was a key highlight and provided us with a valuable opportunity to benchmark ourselves to peer schools and to shine in front of judges and recruiters. The whole experience was invigorating and fulfilling. Not a single minute in the two-day event was boring!"