Cayuga Fund Credit Research Challenge


Students learn credit research techniques and review their Cayuga Fund fundamental stock research reports for credit ideas.

Each sector team selects one debt issue to study.

Teams prepare detailed credit reports and present their recommendations in a 5-minute (with 5 minutes for Q&A) competition, in early April, to the class and our guest judge.

Grading criteria include analysis of financing purpose and collateral, potential for distress, industry and financial analysis, valuation, covenants and liquidity.

This year’s guest judge, for the seventh year was Cornell alumnus (and parent) Matthew Torpey, Vice President/Senior Credit Analyst at OppenheimerFunds.


2024 Credit Research Challenge Winners

Jorge Rubio, Thomas Gambra, Arfana Haque, Kevin Humaran, Patience Mukandi, Mo Munkhdalai, Neal Patel, Teresa Tian, and Can Wang
