Participating in the Women in Investing Conference


by Catherine Mugeria, MBA ’13

Catherine Mugeria, MBA '13

An annual event, the Women in Investing Conference (WIN) provides superior insights into investment trends and opportunities. Attendees learn about various career opportunities available to them in the field of investment management, and gain access to recruiting opportunities through mentorship and networking.

Representatives from a number of buy-side shops and 75 women from top-ranked MBA programs were in attendance at last year’s event. Lakshmi Bhojraj, director of Johnson’s Parker Center for Investment Research, founded WIN three years ago, and the conference has been a success in encouraging women who are pursuing investment management careers to follow their passion. Johnson is the first MBA program to host a conference of its kind.

MBA students in attendance have the opportunity to pitch a stock, defend its buy / sell recommendation, and consequently receive practical feedback from portfolio managers. Another valuable experience includes the opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas as well as network with students and buy-side managers.

Putting together stock pitch slides and completing valuation exercises provide insight into advanced finance classes, such as valuation and financial modeling taken during the second year of business school.

The network of representatives from leading investment management firms also share their experiences on topics such as:

  • achieving success in investment management
  • putting together a solid pitch
  • investing in emerging markets
  • work / life balance

The conference also provides various recruiting options. Several recruiters at the conference reach out to students in attendance for both internship and full-time career opportunities in the investment management field.

I walked out of the conference understanding the benefits of owning three or four stocks that I can defend and knowing everything about them. I was also encouraged to look into critical global industry perspectives and trends when building an investment management strategy.

This year’s WIN Conference, held just two weeks ago, attracted women from even more business schools and included international participants from the London School of Business.