Around Cornell Business
2024 EMI Annual Conference: Innovation and Transformation to Emerge Stronger
The EMI annual conference explored the theme “Innovation and Transformation to Emerge Stronger,” featuring global leaders and expert panels.
How My Internship Provided Insights into India
Archish Mittal, MBA ’25 describes his experience at Insights International learning about people who can be a bridge between India and the world.
Associate Real Estate Council NYC Trek
Thirty first- and second-year Baker Program graduate students participated in the NYC trek to connect across cohorts and learn together during the journey.
DAIRE Fall Trek to Washington, DC Provides a Transformative Experience
DAIRE trek offers invaluable insights into the worlds of finance, real estate, and hospitality, while connecting with industry leaders.
Park Perspective: Prioritize to Find Balance and Thrive
Lauren LaBelle, MBA ’26, discusses strategies for a successful life balance.
Industrial Policies and Innovation: Evidence from the Global Automobile Industry
Based on BFI Working Paper 2024-141, “Industrial Policies and Innovation: Evidence from the Global Automobile Industry,” by Yucheng Wang, University of Sydney; Panle Jia Barwick, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Hyuk-Soo Kwon, […]
How to spend one trillion dollars: the US decarbonization conundrum
Why we must treat decarbonization policies as an experiment and put in place measures now to evaluate what works best. This article How to spend one trillion dollars: the US […]
Park Perspective: From Humble Beginnings to Leadership Excellence
What always struck me about my grandfather was how he made the most of what he had. Limited resources—whether outdated technology, insufficient funding, or a lack of formal teaching materials—did not deter him.
Video on Research Paper “From Fog to Smog: The Value of Pollution Information”
In 2013, China launched a landmark program to monitor air quality and disclose real-time data. Did increased access to pollution information affect public behavior and health outcomes? Check out the […]