Leveraging Key Learnings from the CMAM Immersion

by Paul Margarites, MBA ‘12

The Capital Markets and Asset Management Immersion (CMAM) is an excellent set of courses and lectures covering a breadth of financial products and markets. The classes were a great environment for forming and developing opinions on the global financial markets and expressing actionable decisions on how to adapt to movements in the market.
Upon graduation I entered a risk consulting role within the banking and capital markets. My career requires me to focus on the risks involved within the capital markets and the financial products traded. The CMAM immersion gave me the tools to hit the ground running. Through my classes I had already developed a thorough understanding of the different types of institutions involved, the financial products they trade, and the market in which they all participate. This gave me an excellent advantage when I joined my firm full time. I already had experience with the issues our clients were facing and developed a well thought out opinion on the risks they faced.
The CMAM Immersion also gave me an opportunity to listen to guest lecturers from prominent individuals who are involved in different areas of the financial markets. One topic of focus was the developing regulations surrounding financial institutions. Students were provided with a venue to hear insights on regulation from some of the top players in the industry. These topics are some of the most pressing issues within my industry and gave me a great background on the topics before I even started. I continually find myself using the knowledge I gained from participating in these lectures and expanding upon them in the future.
CMAM helped provide me with the tools necessary to succeed in the ever changing financial world. I continually benefit from the lessons I learned throughout the Immersion and the people who have helped me better understand the capital markets.