Why CFI Was the Right Choice for Me

by Peter Cassara, MBA ’14

Changing careers was a major influence on my decision to go to business school. After working in private wealth management and venture capital, I was ready to work in an environment where my insights and decisions directly impacted my company. After considering my choices for immersions, I decided to take the Corporate Finance Immersion (CFI).
Even though I had a finance background, I knew the additional focus would be helpful. The MFI practicum, led by Steve Calk, were valuable sessions. Steve taught “real life” finance issues, stemming from his past experience. We also had the opportunity to hear from several top CFOs and Treasurers in the industry, resulting in fascinating insights on how they run their businesses.
In addition to the practicum, the Managerial Finance Immersion included specific classes and a trek to NYC. The classes included corporate financial policy, accounting, financial statement analysis, and valuations – all of which proved to be valuable for our continued financial understanding. The trek was a great combination of business and pleasure, as we heard from financial executives on their turf, followed by cocktails overlooking Times Square.
For me, MFI provided the widest reaching capabilities in terms of opportunities following school. My experience in the immersion solidified my financial foundation, and ultimately helped me obtain my summer internship. In my opinion, MFI offered knowledge that is transferrable to any industry – making it the right choice for me.