Kimberly Eddleston


Kimberly Eddleston

Professor of Entrepreneurship | D’Amore-McKim School of Business

Kimberly A. Eddleston is the Schulze Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship and Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University. Professor Eddleston received her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut (2001) and her graduate degree from Cornell University and Group ESSEC (IMHI – 1995). Her research focuses on family businesses and the careers of entrepreneurs. She is particularly known for her research that explores how the family can be a resource or constraint to the family business and how family businesses can remain innovative through generations. Professor Eddleston is an associate editor of the Journal of Business Venturing and serves on the editorial board of multiple journals including Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Family Business Review, Journal of Family Business Strategy, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Professor Eddleston has won multiple awards for her research including best paper awards from the Family Firm Institute, Diana International Conference on Women’s Entrepreneurship, USASBE, Journal of Small Business Management, and Academy of Management. Her research has appeared in prestigious journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Venturing, and Journal of Management Studies. Over the years, she has consulted with numerous family businesses and has led a consulting course at Northeastern University that has assisted more than 150 businesses to date. In addition, she has had various levels of involvement with several of her family’s businesses, which are in the real estate, construction, business services and hospitality industries.