Center for Innovative Hospitality Labor and Employment Relations

News, updates, and insights about the modernization of hospitality industry labor and management relations.

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Nolan School

Roundtable Recap: Biden’s NLRB, UNITE HERE, and the pandemic discussed at 9th Annual CIHLER Labor Relations Roundtable

CIHLER’S Ninth Annual Labor Relations Roundtable explored expected changes from the Biden administration’s National Labor Relations Board.

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Nolan School

Requiring the COVID-19 vaccine: insights for businesses

Cornell alumni and industry experts representing both management and workers discuss whether U.S. employers should require their employees to be vaccinated.

Johnson School

19th Annual Labor and Employment Roundtable – Session 4

Hospitality labor and employment roundtable assembles different perspectives on election and pandemic effects

Image of mask and hand sanitizer
Johnson School

19th Annual Labor & Employment Law Roundtable: Session 3

The third session of the 19th Annual Labor & Employment Law Roundtable focused on the plaintiffs’ perspective.

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Nolan School

Webinar Review: Bipartisanship in the Biden Era

A new president means a new, union-friendly General Counsel more favorably inclined toward organized labor and its point of view.

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Johnson School

Roundtable Recap: Sustainability in the era of COVID-19

Participants from around the world gathered virtually for the Center for Hospitality Research’s 11th Annual Sustainability Roundtable to discuss sustainability in the era of COVID-19.

Masked HR person makes a list on a white board
Johnson School

19th Annual Labor and Employment Law Roundtable- Session 2

19th Annual Labor and Employment Law roundtable focuses on perspectives and practical responses of hospitality human resources (HR) professionals to the pandemic

An employee checks her smart phone for employer updates.
Johnson School

Innovative Tech Platforms Facilitate Better Communication

New tech platforms hope to facilitate communication between employer and employee.

Photo of bartender wearing mask serves drink to hotel guest.
Johnson School

19th Annual Labor & Employment Law Roundtable: Session 1

This invitation only roundtable discusses the current state of the hospitality industry from the management perspective.