The online class notes system is live! Log in and describe your wedding, vacation, new baby, or latest hotel acquisition directly and immediately . . . with no word limit! Post your own photos and link to your favorite websites! Browse all class notes by class year, event type, name, and more!

What about printing these class columns in the magazine? In this fall’s issue of Hotelie magazine, we plan to publish the notes from the earliest classes through the 1960s, plus selected highlights from some newer classes. Columns from the Class of 1970 to the present will be published online only. In addition to helping you communicate your news in real time, in your own words, and interactively, we have designed this system to help the school save on the tremendous cost of compiling, editing, printing, and mailing these notes. With the space we save in Hotelie, we will be able to print more news and feature content about your school, your fellow alumni, and your industry.

The class notes system is available only to alumni of the School of Hotel Administration, and NetID and password are required to log in. For information about NetIDs, click here.