Research & Publications
The center publishes detailed research reports, written by academic researchers, practicing experts, and industry leaders. These reports are available at no charge.
The Cornell Center for Innovative Hospitality Labor and Employment Relations at the Cornell Nolan School of Hotel Administration publish a series of two types of online research studies: reports and roundtable highlights. The publications are valuable for their broad appeal and practical implications for hospitality and service industry executives, managers, operators, and consultants.
Prospective authors should review the submission guidelines before submitting a manuscript. Manuscripts must meet formatting and content standards to be considered for review. Authors are strongly encouraged to engage an outside copy editor prior to submitting a manuscript.
From the publication dropdown list, select “Centers and Institutes, Hospitality Publications”.
Types of Cornell Center for Innovative Hospitality Labor and Employment Relations Hospitality Publications
- Report
A research-based study that addresses issues associated with the hospitality and service industry. A report is a “put-to-work Monday-morning” type of study in that it provides suggestions that are clear and actionable. A reader should have an idea of what to “do differently” having read a report. - Roundtable Highlights
A concise, specific précis highlighting key points and essential lessons from a roundtable. Like a report, a proceeding should be written with a practitioner audience in mind and focus on actionable suggestions from the discussion.
All hospitality publications are available at no cost and can be accessed through the Nolan School’s digital repository, eCommons.