Dave Sherwyn, John and Melissa Ceriale Professor of Hospitality Human Resources, and Paul E. Wagner, adjunct assistant professor of law, will be featured speakers at the 2012 Hotel & Lodging Legal Summit, co-sponsored by Georgetown University Law Center and the American Hotel & Lodging Association, November 8-9, 2012. This new program will examine the latest trends, cases, and developments affecting the evolving practice of hospitality law.
Sherwyn will be participating as a panelist for “Fairmont v. Turnberry and Other Cases Challenging Early Termination of Hotel Management Agreements,” on Thursday, November 8, 9:15–10:30 a.m. Sherwyn will moderate the panel “Labor & Employment Law: What the General Counsel in the Hotel Industry Today Should Know,” where Wagner will be a panelist.This session will be held Friday, November 9, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
For more information on these sessions and the full Hotel & Lodging Legal Summit schedule, visit http://www.law.georgetown.edu/continuing-legal-education/programs/cle/hotel-and-lodging-legal-summit/.
The Washington, DC/Baltimore chapter of the Cornell Hotel Society is hosting a cocktail reception with Dave Sherwyn, November 8, 5:45–8:00 p.m. at Art and Soul Restaurant in the Liaison Capitol Hill Hotel. No RSVP is required; contact Keith Norof ’08, keithnorof@gmail.com, or visit https://alumni.sha.cornell.edu/events/11813 for more details.