CHR and SAS partner to create new industry-focused blog

The Center for Hospitality Research and SAS have launched “The Analytical Hospitality Executive,” a blog designed specifically to connect research experts with hospitality and gaming industry leaders. Available through the CHR website, the blog is hosted by SAS, a CHR senior partner company that provides business analytics software and services. The blog, also found at, was developed by Natalie Osborn, the senior solutions architect for SAS’s Hospitality and Travel practice, and Kelly McGuire, MMH ’01, PhD ’07, director of hospitality and travel global practice at SAS.

The first blog entry focuses on the effects of daily deal promotions on restaurants, with tips on how to make the best use of flash coupons. Future topics will include how hotel firms can profit from their relationship with online travel agents (OTAs) and how to determine who your “best” customers are.

The examination of OTAs will feature research from Chris Anderson, associate professor at SHA, and analysis by Mark Lomanno of newBrand Analytics. The discussion of customer value begins with the best ways to use loyalty programs for increased revenue, with research from Ithaca College Professor Michael McCall, a CHR research fellow. All blog topics will also bring in operators to share their experiences and challenges. Osborn and McGuire are encouraging readers to enter the conversation and to suggest future topics.