Cornell on Emerging Markets

Cornell on Emerging Markets is an interactive platform for the stakeholders of the Emerging Markets Institute community. Its purpose is to facilitate collective reflection and debate on the most pressing issues on Emerging Markets and their broader entanglements in the shifting global landscape of the day. The platform promotes a diversity of perspectives and the sharing of in depth analysis and opinions on topical issues.

Editor-in-Chief: Lourdes Casanova ( Managing Editor: Eudes Lopes (


Informality, socioeconomic development, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and opportunities in Emerging Market Economies

Introduction Informal Employment (IE) is a deep structural socioeconomic issue embedded in all economies and countries worldwide. IE nurtures the informal economy, also known as the informal sector, encompassing all […]


MNC-SME Linkages: Insights from Latin America

  Issue NO. 25 By Jerry Haar* Multinational corporations (MNCs) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play distinct roles in the global economy. The past three decades have seen an […]


The State’s Role in Emerging Economy Outward Investments: A comparison between Brazil, China and Korea

  Issue NO. 24 By Anne Miroux* Lourdes Casanova** While most emerging economies have long developed clear policies to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), few have adopted proactive policies to […]


Gender Equality Is Smart Development Economics

  Issue NO. 23 By Otaviano Canuto* Brazilian “conditional cash transfers” are small amounts of money distributed by the government directly to very poor households on condition that their children […]


Zen Business: an East-Asian-Based Systemic Model on Holistic Management and Sustainability for a Fast-Changing World

  Issue NO. 22 By Josep M. Coll* Emerging markets are not only opening new doors of business and economic opportunities, but redefining our understanding of the world and its […]


Bridging Finance and Infrastructure

  Issue NO. 21 By Otaviano Canuto and Aleksandra Liaplina* The world economy – and emerging market and developing economies in particular – display a gap between infrastructure needs and […]

The role of the private sector in consolidating peace in Colombia

  ISSUE NO. 20 by Juana García and Juan David Martínez, Universidad de los Andes The implementation of the Havana Agreement, between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrillas in […]


Emerging Heavyweights: The Surge of the E20

  At the Emerging Markets Institute at Cornell University, we identify 20 Emerging Markets, which we call E20, which we consider the new “heavyweights” of the world economy—those economies that […]


Motivations for the Internationalization of Brazilian firms

  ISSUE NO. 18 by Fernanda Ribeiro Cahen* and Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Jr.** Brazil was one of the world’s fastest-growing economies from 2000 to 2010, but the boom has […]

The Belt and Road Initiative: Connecting the Chinese Dream with the World Dream

  ISSUE NO. 17 by Jayne Jin, MBA ’13 The 1st Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) was held in Beijing, China on 14-15 May 2017, with 29 […]


Unfolding Energy Efficiency in Eastern Partnership Countries

  ISSUE NO. 16 by Oliver Kovacs, Ph.D.* Fostering energy efficiency is a prerequisite of sustainable development. A recently published Synthesis Report examines the innovation ecosystem in member countries of […]


Regional Integration Amid Growing Protectionism

  ISSUE NO. 15 by Iwan J. Azis* Over the last 30 years or so, openness and technological progress have fostered economic integration around the world. Regional integration, defined as […]

The Brazilian Productivity Anemia

  ISSUE NO. 14 by Otaviano Canuto Brazil has been suffering from “anemic productivity growth”. This is a major challenge because in the long run, sustained productivity increases are necessary […]

The Impact of Political Capital on Firm Internationalization: Evidence from Russian FDI and Exports

  Issue No. 13 by Lilac Nachum*, Andrei Yu. Panibratov** and Rajeev J. Sawant*** Is a firm’s political capital in the home country of value internationally? As a form of […]

Perceptions of China’s Outbound M&A

  by Kaiwen Zhong, BA ’15 Chinese companies’ acquisitive streak in the US is often called a buying “spree” and is frequently compared to Japan’s heightened real estate purchase activities in […]


Money Matters in Modi’s India

by Abhiram Muddu and Vince Wong   Abstract Money matters in India are complicated. As Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has set forth bold policy objectives towards reining in sovereign liquidity, which has suffered […]


Developing Cities in Turkey and the Challenges for the Turkish Economy in the Next Decade

Utku Balaban, Associate Professor of Sociology at Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Ankara University and European Commission Marie Curie Grant Fellow Turkey is the most industrialized country in the Muslim Middle […]


Is Globalization in Danger?

Deven Sharma, Founder of Inflexon ( , Fellow at Connection Science @ Media Lab, and former President of Standard & Poor Globalization is under assault. Disruptive Influences  Beyond the political […]


Globalization Reset

Deven Sharma, Founder of Inflexon ( , Fellow at Connection Science @ Media Lab, and former President of Standard & Poor Globalization is under assault. What should a reset look […]


The world is not flat… and that creates many opportunities!

Roberto dos Reis Alvarez is the Executive Director of the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils (GFCC – In his famous book “The World is Flat: a Brief History of […]


Emerging and Connected: Insights on Broadband from Brazil

We are always online. We pay our rent, buy furniture, take language lessons and schedule our next appointment to the doctor, let alone the time spent on social media. The […]


The Impact of Entrepreneurship and Interorganizational Networks on Global Innovations Development: The Evidence of Foreign Subsidiaries Operating in the Country

Throughout the last decade, the focus of international business studies guided by the theory of networks has highlighted the role of integration of subsidiaries in the host country business networks […]

Social Impact Bond in Emerging Markets: Funding Chinese Migrant Workers’ Children Digital Education

With budgets tightening worldwide, there is a need to channel limited government and international organization funding towards high-quality developmental projects. A new type of investment vehicle, social impact bond, carries […]

Rethinking Emerging Markets: Unwinding the Western Lens

While the last five years has been a difficult period for the emerging economies, there is no denying the seismic shift in the global economy of the 21st century, moving the […]