Emerging Markets Institute Publications
Below is a list of related publications from our faculty. This list includes peer reviewed journals, books, and practitioner-oriented articles.
Journal Articles (reviewed) and Special Issues
- Casanova, L. (2024) The Evolution of China and Its Rising Multinationals. Limin Chen & Anne Miroux (Eds.), Journals of Evolutionary Studies in Business. Special Issue. (Vol. 9, 2024)
- Casanova, Lourdes, Limin Chen, and Anne Miroux. 2024. “The Evolution of China and Its Rising Multinationals. Introduction”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 9 (2):1-5.
- Casanova, Lourdes, and Anne Miroux. 2024. “Chinese Multinationals Gaining Global Dominance”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 9 (2):6-34.
- Casanova, L., & Miroux, A. (2024). Las multinacionales en la era de la geopolítica., ICE, Revista De Economía (935). Economía y geopolítica en un mundo en conflicto June 27, 2024.
- Casanova, L. and Miroux A. 2023. Europa y los países emergentes en esta nueva fase de la globalización. Papeles de Economía Española. La Europa del Futuro. Nr. 177.Funcas. ISSN: 0210-9107. Madrid. Spain.
Chapters in books/Reports
- Casanova, Lourdes and Anne Miroux (2024). Chapter 9. Jumia, the Amazon of Africa: its quest for combining growth and profitability in Cases on Entrepreneurship and Unexplored Topis and Contexts. Editors Jana Schmutzuler, Lorena A. Palacios-Chacón, Samantha Burvill, Veneta Andonova. Elgar Cases in Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, UK
- Northampton, MA, US. ISBN 978 1 80220 452 0 (cased) ISBN 978 1 80220 453 7 (eBook)
- Casanova, Lourdes. (2024). Podrían las monedas digitales ser el nuevo ‘dorado’ para América Latina? La necesidad urgente de monedas estables in Rugeles, Andrés. América Latina: la visión de sus líderes. Editorial Planeta. Barcelona. Spain
- Casanova, L. Royal D. Colle 2024. Cornell Engages Emerging Markets Around the World in Beyond Borders. Exploring the History of Cornell’s Global Dimensions. Cornell University Press. Ithaca and London.
- Casanova, L. and A. Miroux. 2023. The international presence of Chinese firms: A geographical dimension in OECD (2023), “Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2023”, OECD Emerging Markets Network, OECD Development Centre, Paris,
Working Papers
- Casanova, L. Miroux, A and Shailja Shah Bang. 2023. In search of an ESG Framework for Emerging Markets. What about growth? 21 July 2023. Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Lsted on SSRN’s Top Ten download list for: Sustainability & Economics eJournal.
- Casanova, L.; Miroux, A. et al. 2023. Emerging Markets Multinationals Report 2023: Risks and Realignments. 3 November 2023. ISBN-13: 978-1-7328042-6-5. ISSN 2689-0127. eCommons Cornell University.
EMI in the Press
- Mentioned in. 2024 Major Oxford Conference to discuss BD blue economy. The Financial Express. August 23, 2024.
- Interviewed by The Economist for the podcast. China’s growing Export Market. Money Talks. August 15, 2024.
- Interviewed by The Economist. 2024. Chinese firms are growing rapidly in the global south – The Economist. August 1st, 2024.
- Interview in Latin America Advisor a daily publication of The Dialogue (www.thedialogue.org). 2024. Will New Funding Help Spur Peru’s Digitalization? July 23. Latin America Advisor.
- Interviewed by ce.cn. 2024.
- https://news.jxnews.com.cn/system/2024/07/22/020578216.shtml
- Interviewed by China Daily
- Interviewed by China Daily. China’s growth target realistic: Experts
- Davos Forum highlights BRI’s role in green urban development. June 27, 2024.
- La iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta promueve la cooperación Sur-Sur y ofrece soluciones a problemas globales June 26, 2024
- Interviewed by The Paper in China June 26, 2024
- Interview in Latin America Advisor a daily publication of The Dialogue (www.thedialogue.org). 2024. AI in Brazil. June 28. Latin America Advisor.
- Interviewed by CGTN. World Economic Forum: Participants share insights on China and world economic growth. June 27, 2024
- Interviewed for. Summer Davos in three key words. June 26, 2024
- Interviewed for. Economic Watch. Summer Davos in three key words, June 26, 2024
- Interview in Latin America Advisor a daily publication of The Dialogue (www.thedialogue.org). 2024. Will partnerships in semiconductors boost economies? May 3. Latin America Advisor.
- Interview in Latin America Advisor a daily publication of The Dialogue (www.thedialogue.org). 2024. How Fast Is Latin America Moving on Digitalization?. Latin America Advisor. February 28.
- Interview in SBT TV Brasil. 2023. Brazil as a brand. September 28, 2023.
- Interview in Latin America Advisor a daily publication of The Dialogue (www.thedialogue.org). 2023. 5G deployment in Latin America. Latin America Advisor. August 28.
- Interview in CNI Portal. 2023. Brasil tem potencial para se tornar um líder global verde, sugere Lourdes Casanova, especialista em mercados emergentes. InforMei. August 2023. MEI. CNI. Brazil.
- Casanova, L. Miroux, A. and Shah, S.B. 2023. For emerging markets, ESG will not work without economic growth. August 7, 2023.
- Casanova, L. Pandit, S. and Seshasayee, R. 2023. Emerging Markets in Asia are rushing to Adopt Central Bank Digital Currencies. The Diplomat. August 5, 2023.
- Casanova, L. 2023. Los factores clave de la economía Global está demasiado interconectada on China. Dice experta CNN en español. Interview by José Antonio Montenegro. Globo Economía. CNN en español.
- Casanova, L. 2023. La Economía Global está demasiado interconectada on China. Dice experta CNN en español. Interview by José Antonio Montenegro. Globo Economía. CNN en español.
- Casanova, L. 2023. Hay que buscar más países que se enfoquen en la economía verde. Interview by José Antonio Montenegro. Globo Economía. CNN en español.
Presentations in Conferences/Events/Webinars
- Casanova, L. and Anne Miroux. 2024 (by video): Unicorns from Emerging Markets: Creating value through technology and Innovation. The case of China. Academy of Management (Chicago). August 13, 2024.
- Casanova, L. and Anne Miroux. 2024: From optimism to uncertainty in Emerging Markets, Emerging Market Multinationals and beyond. 2024. In 13th Internationals Conference on the Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE), August 6th 2024, University of Oxford
- Casanova, L. 2024. What does the Belt and Road city look like? With Yusuf Tuggar, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Nigeria, Ma Jun, chairman Green finance Committee, China society. Chen Shaowang. Minister of Dalian. Gao Guoli. President. China Center for Human development. June 26, 2024.
- Casanova, L. 2024. How Technology Innovation Is Reshaping China and the Globe? World Economic Forum. Dalian, China. Organized by CGTN. with ZHENG CHUNYING郑春莹 and Privadarshi Panda, CEO and Founder of International Battery company and Alex Zhavoronkov, founder and CEO of Insilico Medicine. June 27, 2024 at 5pm. World economic Forum. New Champions. Dalian, China
- Casanova, L. 2024. Squaring Debt and Growth. with Shivaraman, Shiv from Alix Partners and Prof. Wen. CKGSB. Beijing. June 25, 2024 at 5pm. World economic Forum. New Champions. Dalian, China
- Casanova , L. and Anne Miroux. 2024 (by video): Unicorns from Emerging Markets: Creating value through technology and Innovation. The case of China. Triple Helix Conference. São Paulo (via zoom). June, 20, 2024.
- Casanova, L. 2024. Human Capital and Economic Growth. Panel presentation. Human Capability Initiative (HCI). Riyadh. Saudi Arabia, February 29, 2024.
- Casanova, L. 2024. The last 10 years in Emerging Markets: from optimism to uncertainty. Departamento de Económicas. Universidad de Valencia. Spain. January 29, 2024
- Casanova, L. Miroux, A. 2024. China innovation hubs and China Unicorns. February 23. At CERALE – Universidad de San Andrés 2024 International Conference in Buenos Aires, February 21-23, 2024 “Risk Management, Crisis, and Resilience. Challenges for Public and Private Management in a Changing World”
- Casanova, L. 2023. Global Mind and Leadership. VinUniversity. December 21. Hanoi. Vietnam.
- Casanova, L. and Miroux, A. 2023. Presentation of EMI report 2023. November 3. Cornell Tech. NY.
- Casanova, L. and Miroux, A. 2023. Presentation of EMI report 2023. October 13. Global Strategy and Emerging markets conference. Copenhagen Business School. Copenhagen. Denmark.
- Casanova, L. 2023.The role of capital markets in eco-innovation. Financing a sustainable future. Innovation summit. September 28, 2023. São Paulo. Brazil
- Casanova, L. 2023. Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE) 2023 International conference. Session 7. Keynote Address. From Regional to global, Chinese companies continue their international expansion. Centre for Business and Economic Research (CBER) of London, UK and the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Future University, Egypt. Oxford. United Kingdom. 12th international Conference on August 7, 2023.
- Miroux, A. 2024: Emerging Market Multinationals in an increasingly complex and uncertain world; International Conference on FDI, International Trade and Digital Transformation in a New Age, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, March 28-30, 2024
- Miroux, A. 2024: Emerging Market Multinationals Report 2023, Risks and Realignments; HEC Montreal, Canada, February 27, 2024
- Miroux, A. 2024: Multinationales des pays emergent et environmnnement international : quand la donne change… ; HEC Montreal, Canada, February 29, 2024
- Miroux, A.2024:Navigating a New Global Landscape, CESM program, Course on Global Strategy, School of Management, Universidade de Los Andes, 21 August 2024
- Finchelstein, D., Casanova, L., Duque, J. G., & Andonova, V. 2023. The rise of digital entrepreneurship in Latin America. Internext, 18(1)
- “Do ESG factors influence firm valuation? Evidence from the field,” (with Franck Bancel and Dejan Glavas), Cornell
University working paper, July 2023, https://ssrn.com/abstract=4365196. Under review. “Understanding the Global Equity
Greenium,” (with Ying Wu and William Wei Xiong), Cornell University working paper, April 2023. Available at:
https://ssrn.com/abstract=4391189. - “The US Equity Valuation Premium, Globalization, and Climate Change Risks” (with Craig Doidge and René Stulz),
Cornell University working paper, September 2023. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4572102. Under review.
“Biodiversity Finance: A Call for Research into Financing Nature” (with John Tobin-de la Puente), Financial Management,
52(2), Summer 2023, 231-251. - “Cross-Border Banking Flows and Systemic Risk” (with John Sedunov and Alvaro Taboada), Review of Finance. 27(5),
September 2023, 1563-1614. - Gupta, Sachin, Ashok Vardhan, Viraj Ambalam, Vinothkumar Rajendran, Sanil Joseph, and Thulasiraj Ravilla, “Cataract
Surgery Workload Estimates in Theni District, India,” British Journal of Ophthalmology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bjo2023-323182, 2023. - Balu, Ganesh-Babu Subburaman, Anitha Gunasekaran, Sivakumar Chandrashekaran, GG van Merode, Logesh
Balakrishnan, Thulasiraj Ravilla, Sachin Gupta, “Comparison of cataract surgery outcomes between a secondary and a
tertiary eye hospital in Tamil Nadu, India,” Eye (The Scientific Journal of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists),
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41433-023-02687-6, 2023. - Vasan, Chandrakumar Subbiah, Sachin Gupta, Madhu Shekhar, Kamatchi Nagu, Logesh Balakrishnan, Ravilla D.
Ravindran, Thulasiraj Ravilla, Ganesh-Babu Balu Subburaman, “Accuracy of an artificial intelligence-based mobile
application for detecting cataracts: Results from a field study,” Indian Journal of Ophthalmology,
https://journals.lww.com/ijo/Fulltext/2023/71080/Accuracy_of_an_artificial_intelligence_based.15.aspx, 2023. - Balu, Ganesh-Babu, Sachin Gupta, Ravilla D. Ravindran, Thulasiraj Ravilla, Helen Mertens, Carroll Webers, Shyam
Vasudeva Rao, Frits van Merode, “Impact of practicing internal benchmarking on continuous improvement of cataract
surgery outcomes: a retrospective observational study at Aravind Eye Hospitals, India,” BMJ Open,
https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/13/6/e071860, 2023. - Arora, Kashish, Fanyin Zheng, and Karan Girotra. “Private vs. pooled transportation: Customer preference and design of
green transport policy.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 0(0), 2023. - Kibrom A. Abay, Tesfamichael Wossen, Gashaw A. Abate, James Stevenson, Hope Michelson and Christopher B. Barrett,
“Inferential and behavioral implications of measurement error in agricultural data,” Annual Review of Resource
Economics, volume 15 (2023): pp. 63-83. - Christopher B. Barrett, “‘Benevolent’ patent extensions could raise billions for R&D in poorer countries,” Nature
(September 2023). - Christopher B. Barrett, “A New Way to Fight Disease and Boost Agriculture in Poor Countries: How an Innovative Patent
Law Could Incentivize R & D and Save Millions of Lives,” Foreign Affairs(September 2023). - Kibrom A. Abay, Christopher B. Barrett, Talip Kilic, Heather Moylan, John Ilukor and Wilbert Drazi Vundru, “Nonclassical
Measurement Error and Farmers’ Response to Information Treatment,”Journal of Development Economics,164 (September 2023): 103136. - Christopher B. Barrett, Ariel Ortiz-Bobea and Trinh Pham, “Structural Transformation, Agriculture, Climate, and the
Environment,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol. 17, no. 2 (Summer 2023), pp. 195-216. - Jason R Rohr, Alexandra Sack, Sidy Bakhoum, Christopher B Barrett, David Lopez-Carr, Andrew J Chamberlin, David J
Civitello, Cledor Diatta, Molly J Doruska, Giulio A De Leo, Christopher J E Haggerty, Isabel J Jones, Nicolas Jouanard,
Andrea J Lund, Amadou T. Ly, Raphael A Ndione, Justin V Remais, Gilles Riveau, Anne-Marie Schacht, Momy Seck,
Simon Senghor, Susanne H Sokolow, Caitlin Wolfe, “A planetary health innovation for disease, food, and water challenges
in Africa,” Nature, vol. 619 (July 27, 2023), pp. 782–787. - Dennis Wesselbaum, Michael D. Smith, Christopher B. Barrett, and Anaka Aiyar, “A Food Insecurity Kuznets Curve?”
World Development, vol. 165 (May 2023): 106189. - Christopher B. Barrett, Thomas Reardon, Johan Swinnen and David Zilberman, “Agri-food Value Chain Revolutions in
Low-and Middle-Income Countries,” Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 60, no. 4 (December 2022): pp. 1316-1377. - Kelsey L. Schreiber, Christopher B. Barrett, Elizabeth R. Bageant, Abebe Shimeles, Joanna B. Upton, and Maria
DiGiovanni, “Building Research Capacity In An Under-represented Group: The STAARS Program Experience,” Applied
Economic Perspectives and Policy, volume 44, number 4 (December 2022): 1925-1941. - Christopher B. Barrett, “The Global Food Crisis Shouldn’t Have Come As a Surprise: How to Finally Fix the Broken
System for Alleviating Hunger,” Foreign Affairs, July 2022. - Marc Rockmore and Christopher B. Barrett, ” The Implications of Aggregate Measures of Exposure to Violence for the
Estimated Impacts on Individual Risk Preferences,” World Development, volume 157 (September 2022): 205925. - Joanna Upton, Susana Constenla-Villoslada and Christopher B. Barrett. “Caveat utilitor: A comparative assessment of
resilience measurement approaches,” Journal of Development Economics, vol. 157 (June 2022), 102873. - Linden McBride, Christopher B. Barrett, Christopher Browne, Leiqiu Hu, Yanyan Liu, David S. Matteson, Ying Sun, and
Jiaming Wen, “Predicting poverty and malnutrition for targeting, mapping, monitoring, and early warning,” Applied
Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 44, no. 2 (June 2022): pp. 879-892. - Christopher B. Barrett, Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi, Ummul Ruthbah, “Experimental Evidence on
Adoption and Impact of the System of Rice Intensification,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 104, issue 1
(January 2022): 4-32. - Christopher B. Barrett, Tim Benton, Jessica Fanzo, Mario Herrero, Rebecca J. Nelson, Elizabeth Bageant, Edward Buckler,
Karen Cooper, Isabella Culotta, Shenggen Fan, Rikin Gandhi, Steven James, Mark Kahn, Laté Lawson-Lartego, Jiali Liu,
Quinn Marshall, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Alexander Mathys, Cynthia Mathys, Veronica Mazariegos-Anastassiou, Alesha
(Black) Miller, Kamakhya Misra, Andrew G. Mude, Jianbo Shen, Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, Claire Song, Roy Steiner, Philip
Thornton, and Stephen Wood. Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles for Agri-Food Systems Transformation (Palgrave
Macmillan 2022). - Casanova, L.; Miroux, A. 2022. Emerging Markets Report 2022: Reinventing Global Value Chains. 4 November 2022.
ISBN-13: 978-1-7328042-6-5. ISSN 2689-0127. eCommons Cornell University. Emerging Markets Institute. Cornell S.C.
Johnson College of Business. - Casanova, L. and A. Miroux. 2022. State Grid Corporation of China: High Voltage for the World. Chapter in book In M.
Peng. 2022. Global Strategy. 5th edition. Cengage. - Casanova, L. and A. Miroux. 2022. Emerging Markets moving ahead with ESG policies in OECD (2022), “Business Insights
on Emerging Markets 2022”, OECD Emerging Markets Network, OECD Development Centre, Paris - Casanova, L. Miroux, A and Shailja Shah Bang. 2023. In search of an ESG Framework for Emerging Markets. What about
growth? 21 July 2023. Sustainability & Economics eJournal.
- Christopher B. Barrett, Tim Benton, Jessica Fanzo, Mario Herrero, Rebecca J. Nelson, Elizabeth
Bageant, Edward Buckler, Karen Cooper, Isabella Culotta, Shenggen Fan, Rikin Gandhi, Steven
James, Mark Kahn, Laté Lawson-Lartego, Jiali Liu, Quinn Marshall, Daniel Mason-D’Croz,
Alexander Mathys, Cynthia Mathys, Veronica Mazariegos-Anastassiou, Alesha (Black) Miller,
Kamakhya Misra, Andrew G. Mude, Jianbo Shen, Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, Claire Song, Roy
Steiner, Philip Thornton, and Stephen Wood. Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles for Agri-Food
Systems Transformation (Palgrave Macmillan 2022). - Christopher B. Barrett, Thomas Reardon, Johan Swinnen and David Zilberman, “Agri-food Value Chain Revolutions in Low-and Middle-Income Countries,” Journal of Economic Literature, Dec 2022.
- Christopher B. Barrett, Ariel Ortiz-Bobea and Trinh Pham, “Structural Transformation,
Agriculture, Climate, and the Environment,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy,
forthcoming. - Kelsey L. Schreiber, Christopher B. Barrett, Elizabeth R. Bageant, Abebe Shimeles, Joanna B.
Upton, and Maria DiGiovanni, “Building Research Capacity In An Under-represented Group:
The STAARS Program Experience,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, forthcoming. - Christopher B. Barrett, “The Global Food Crisis Shouldn’t Have Come As a Surprise: How to
Finally Fix the Broken System for Alleviating Hunger,” Foreign Affairs, July 2022. - Marc Rockmore and Christopher B. Barrett, ” The Implications of Aggregate Measures of
Exposure to Violence for the Estimated Impacts on Individual Risk Preferences,” World
Development, volume 157 (September 2022): 205925. - Joanna Upton, Susana Constenla-Villoslada and Christopher B. Barrett. “Caveat utilitor: A
comparative assessment of resilience measurement approaches,” Journal of Development
Economics, vol. 157 (June 2022), 102873. - Linden McBride, Christopher B. Barrett, Christopher Browne, Leiqiu Hu, Yanyan Liu, David S.
Matteson, Ying Sun, and Jiaming Wen, “Predicting poverty and malnutrition for targeting,
mapping, monitoring, and early warning,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 44, no.
2 (June 2022): pp. 879-892. - Christopher B. Barrett, Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi, Ummul Ruthbah, ”
Experimental Evidence on Adoption and Impact of the System of Rice Intensification,”
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 104, issue 1 (January 2022): 4-32. - Joanna Upton, Elizabeth Tennant, Kathryn Fiorella and Christopher B. Barrett, “COVID-19,
household resilience, and rural food systems in low-income countries,” chapter 10 in Christophe
Béné and Stephen Devereux, editors, Resilience and Food Security in a Food Systems Context
(London: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming). - Christopher Cornwell, Ian M. Schmutte, Daniela Scur (2021) Building a Productive Workforce:
The Role of Structured Management Practices. Management Science 67(12):7308-7321.
https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/mnsc.2021.3960 - George Andrew Karolyi and Ying Wu. (2021). Is currency risk priced in global equity markets?.
Review of Finance, 25(3), 863-902. - George Andrew Karolyi and Ying Wu. (2022). Understanding the pricing of currency risk in
global equity markets. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 63, 100727. - Murali Jagannathan, Wei Jiao, and George Andrew Karolyi. (2022). Is there a home field
advantage in global markets?. Journal of Financial Economics, 143(2), 742-770. - Wolfolds, S. (2022). “Segmenting Mixed Markets: A Model and Evidence From Microfinance.” In
Business With a Conscience: A Research Companion.Ed. Joan Marques. Routledge: New York,
194-210. - Shanjun Li. Adaptation Mitigates the Negative Effect of Temperature Shocks on Household
Consumption, with Wangyang Lai, Yanyan Liu, Panle Jia Barwick, Nature Human Behaviour,
March 17, 2022 - Shanjun Li. The Role of Government in the Market for Electric Vehicles: Evidence from China,
with Xianglie Zhu, Yiding Ma, Fan Zhang and Hui Zhou, Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management, 41(2): 450-485, 2022 - Shanjun Li. Agricultural Fires and Cognitive Function: Evidence from Crop Production Cycles,
with Wangyang Lai, Yanan Li, and Xiaohui Tian, American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
104(1): 190-208, 2022. - Luo Zuo “Industry-Specific Knowledge Transfer in Audit Firms: Evidence from Audit Firm
Mergers in China” with Xianjie He, SP Kothari, and Tusheng Xiao The Accounting Review 97 (3),
2022 - Luo Zuo “Top Management Team Power in China: Measurement and Validation” with Bin Ke,
Xinshu Mao, and Bin Wang Management Science 67 (10), 2021 Best Paper Award, 2019 CAPANA
Conference - Nagesh Gavirneni “Reining in Onion Prices by Introducing a Processed Substitute: Models,
Analysis, and Insights” with Omkar Palsule-Desai and Muge Yayla-Kullu. Manufacturing &
Service Operations Management, Forthcoming. - Nagesh Gavirneni “Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals-2030 through
the Nutraceutical Industry: A Review of Managerial Research and the Role of Operations
Management” with Shailly Chaurasia, Rupesh Pati, Sidhartha Padhi and Jennifer Jensen. Decision
Sciences, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2022, 630-645. - Nagesh Gavirneni “Negotiating Government-to-Government Food Importing Contracts: a NashBargaining Framework” with Liying Mu, Bin Hu and Amarender Reddy. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2022, 1681-1697.
- Lourdes Casanova 2021. La pandemia, un punto de inflexión para las empresas españolas en Iberoamérica y en el mundo Documentos de Trabajo 48 / 2021 (2ª época). Madrid. Fundación Carolina. https://www.fundacioncarolina.es/dt_fc_48/ ISSN-e: 1885-9119 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33960/issn-e.1885-9119.DT48
- Lourdes Casanova. 2021. La Estrategia Comercial de Biden. ¿Será Latinoamérica una prioridad para el nuevo gobierno de Estados Unidos? Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica. Volumen 21. Número 1. Enero-Marzo 2021. http://revistafal.com/la-estrategia-comercial-de-biden/
- Lourdes Casanova and Anne Miroux. 2021. Emerging Markets Report 2021. Emerging Market Multinationals, building the future on ESG excellence. 5 November 2021. ISBN-13: 978-1-7328044-4-1. ISSN 2689-0127 https://ecommons.cornell.edu/handle/1813/66953 DOI https://doi.org/10.7298/cvhn-dc87
- Fernanda Cahen; Lourdes Casanova; Anne Miroux (editors) 2021. From copycats to Leaders: Innovation from Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-48686-6 https://www.cambridge.org/es/academic/subjects/management/international-business/innovation-emerging-markets-copycats-leaders?format=HB.
- Cahen, F.; Casanova, L.; Finchelstein, D.; Miroux, A. 2022. From Dust to Gold: The unprecedented growth of unicorns in Emerging Markets. Academia of International Business. July 8, 2022 at noon. Miami 2022. https://www.aib.world/events/2022/
- Cahen, F.; Casanova, L.; Finchelstein, D.; Miroux, A.; Vasconcellos, S. 2022. Rising Fintech unicorns in Latin America: How to accelerate their development. Miami 2022. Academia of International Business Latin America. AIB-Lac 2022. July 5th, 2022 at 11am. https://lac.aib.world/
- Cahen, F. Casanova, L, Finchelstein, D., Miroux, A., Borda, A. Buitrago, R., 2022. Innovation and international business after the pandemic. SciBiz. Science meets business. June 20, at 11am. University of São Paulo. São Paulo. Brazil. https://scibizconference.com/livenow# https://scibizconference.com/
- Casanova, L.; Miroux, A.; Guillamon, B.; Aijazzudin, M.; Pavone, L.: Presentation of EMI report 2021: Environmental-Social-governance Excellence: Building the future on ESG excellence. 24 May 2022, 16:00 (CET). Dev Talks. OECD Development Center
- Casanova, L, Chau, Nancy, Karolyi, Andrew, Kanvur, Ravi and christly, Ralph. Fifth college of business Faculty Panel on International Business and International Development. Friday, March 11, 2022, 2 30pm-4pm. 401 Waween Hall Zoom Link
- Casanova, L. and Garza, Felipe. 2022. The transformation of Alpek. In collaboration with Cornell
Americas Program. February 8. - Casanova, L. and al. 2022. The Decade of Emerging Markets. How ready are we? Launch of EMI report 2021. February 4. https://www.facebook.com/ecornell/videos/1628916197472411 https://ecornell.cornell.edu/keynotes/overview/K020422/
- Casanova, L. and Ying Hua, Anne Miroux, Mark Mobius, Andrew Lim and Mihika Badjate. Does the Term ‘Emerging Markets’ still make sense? EMI, CCC in collaboration with eCornell. Cornell University. https://ecornell.cornell.edu/keynotes/view/K120321/ https://www.facebook.com/ecornell/videos/426873552262290
- Casanova, L. And Anne Miroux. 2021 Innovation from Emerging Markets: From Copycats to Leaders. Chats in the stacks. Cornell University. November 23. 2021. https://events.cornell.edu/event/innovation_from_emerging_markets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTkm18SAUxo&feature=youtu.be
- Miroux, A. ESG and Emerging markets, April 2022, Guest Lecture, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Miroux, A. Emerging Market Multinationals, Seminar, July 2022, Institute of Social Sciences, Senshu University, Japan
- Miroux, A. ESG and Emerging Market Firms, October 2021, 7th Copenhagen Conference On Emerging Market Multinationals, Copenhagen Business School
- Miroux, A. The changing Landscape of Foreign Direct Investment, Global and African Perspectives, July 2021, Programme in International Trade and Investment Law in Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
- Webinar on the Future of Money: How will innovative digital currencies and finance technology platforms impact society? eCornell. Novembe 4, 2021. https://ecornell.cornell.edu/ keynotes/overview/K110421a/
- Los dilemas de Latinoamérica. En La Sociedad Internacional ante la pandemia. Hacia el fortalecimiento de la gobernanza y la cooperación XXXIV Congreso Annual Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Internacionales. October 22, 2021 in (Oct 22-24)
https://amei.mx/convocatoria-xxiv-congreso-anual-de-la-amei/ - Panel on What should we know about EMNCs and the politics of internationalization. With A. Cuervo-Cazurra, R. Ramamurti, Andrei Panibratox, K. Meyes, P. Gammeltoft and S. Lundan The 7th Copenhagen conference on Emerging Market Multinationals: Outward Inversment from Emerging Economies. October 14, 2021 https://sf.cbs.dk/ofdi/conferences/2021_conference
- Contra Viento y Marea: Mujeres líderes que dejan su legado para generaciones futuras. September 22. 4pm. Asociación por la Diversidad Asociación Interamericana de Contabilidad. (AIC). http://contadores-aic.org/asociacion-por-la-diversidad-aic-contra-viento-y-mareamujeres-lideres-que-dejan-su-legado-para-generaciones-futuras/
- Innovación y Emprendimiento en Mercados Emergentes. Facultad de Administración Universidad de los Andes, and Colombia competitiva http://www.colombiacompetitiva.gov.co/ Bogotá, Colombia September 22, 2021. https://www.facebook.com/centrodeem
YufucyrcHb-IZpKJPlY7po5OrgABUMVBFV0FYT1VFR0UxRlYzRjhSNlFZUzROWi4u - Transatlantic Economic Conference. US/Spain Chamber of Commerce. September 22, 2021 https://www.spainuscc.org/public/ViewEventDetails?Type=EventDetails&TypeID=644
- Casanova, L. 2021. Empresas multinacionales en los mercados emergentes. Escuela de administración de empresas. Universidad de Lima, Perú. September 16, 2021. https://www.ulima.edu.pe/pregrado/negocios-internacionales/agenda/webinar-empresasmultinacionales-en-los-mercados-emergentes
- Casanova, L. with Pablo Bórquez MBA ’15 and Jinhua Zhao, PhD. David J. Nolan Dean, c. H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. Opportunities in the New Paradigm: 21st Century Propulsion of Emerging Markets and Innovative Supply Chains. July 23, 2020. 9:30am https://ecornell.cornell.edu/keynotes/overview/K072321/
Books and Reports
- Cahen. F.; Casanova, L.; Miroux, A. (editors) 2021. From copycats to Leaders: Innovation from Emerging
Markets. Cambridge University Press. - Casanova, L.; Miroux, A. 2020. Emerging Markets Report 2020. Ten years that changed Emerging Markets.
Building Constructive Engagement. 6 November 2020.
Chapters in Books and Reports
- Casanova, L. and A. Miroux. 2021. A year after: Governments to the rescue in emerging markets and beyond
in OECD (2021), “Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2021”, OECD Emerging Markets Network, OECD
Development Centre, Paris - Casanova, L. and A. Miroux. 2020. China forging ahead on the innovation path. Chapter 1 in OECD EMnet
(2020), “Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2020”, OECD Emerging Markets Network, OECD
Development Centre, Paris
Journal Articles
- Casanova, L. 2021. La pandemia, un punto de inflexión para las empresas españolas en Iberoamérica y en
el mundo Documentos de Trabajo 48 / 2021 (2ª época). Madrid. Fundación Carolina. - Casanova, L. 2021. La Estrategia Comercial de Biden. ¿Será Latinoamérica una prioridad para el nuevo
gobierno de Estados Unidos? Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica. Volumen 21. Númro 1. Enero-Marzo 2021. - Casanova, L. 2020. Las Multinacionales españolas ante un futuro incierto. In Geopolítica y Comercio en
tiempos de cambio. Una mirada desde Barcelona. P. García-Durán Huet and Eloi Serrano Robles (eds.)
December 2020. - Casanova, L. 2020. El daño económico el covid-9 en Latinoamérica. Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica. Volumen
20. Número 3. ITAM. July/September 2020.
Media Articles, interviews, Blogs, Podcasts
- Casanova, L. 2021. Quoted in the opinion piece! A construir esa visión! August 5, 2021.
https://diariodelhuila.com/a-construir-esa-vision/ Diario del Huila. Colombia, Bogotá - Casanova, L. 2021. What Will Rollout of 5G Networks Mean for Brazil? Latin America Advisor. The Dialogue.
Washington, DC June 21, 2021. - Casanova, L. 2021. Interviewed by Lyndsey Zhnag. Chinese Multinationals’ Roles in the Worldwide ESG
Revolution | A Conversation with Professor Lourdes Casanova. Boardroom and beyond podcast. June 13,
2021 - Casanova, L. 2021. Interviewed by I. Fariza. La Industria sale del cajon del olvido. May 30. El País. Madrid,
Spain. - Casanova, L. 2021. interviewed by Jodi Xu Klein 2021. How a sweeping US infrastructure plan might spur
financial havoc in China. South China Morning Post. April 20, 2021. - Casanova, L. and Torres. R. interviewed by Carlos Carnicero. 2021. Commodities’ surging prices and the
challenges for Europe’s recovery. April 6, 2021. Future is blue. Funcas Europe and Agenda Pública. - Casanova, L. 2021. Sólo ganamos si nadie pierde. 28 March. El Pais. Madrid. Spain.
Interview by Saibal Dasgupta. China Posts Impressive Economic Recovery, but Can Growth Continue?
Voice of America. February 25, 2021 08:20 AM - Interview by Ignacio Fariza. 2021. El Comercio Internacional deja atrás la crisis. February 25, 2021.
Casanova, L. 2020. A game of chess: the Rise of Chinese Multinationals. Present Value podcast. S.C.
Johnson School of Management - Interview by Piergiorgio M. Sandri. 2020. China expande su liderazgo tras el acuerdo de libre comercio
Asia-Pacífico. La Vanguardia. November 16, 2020. - Casanova, L. 2020. Blog Agenda Publica. El mundo de Biden: ¿dónde queda América Latina? Nov 14, 2020.
Agenda Pública. - Casanova, L. ¿Qué cambiará con China? La Vanguardia. Barcelona. Spain. October 25, 2020.
Interview by Amaia Ormaetxea. El legado de Trump en Latinoamérica: el nuevo Nafta y la influencia china.
Expansión. October 25, 2020. - Interview by Janice Endresen. 2020. Celebrating the Emerging Markets Institute on its 10th anniversary.
October 22. - Interview by Fernando Morales. 2020. El coronavirus ataca la línea de flotación de los países emergentes.
October 19, 2020. ABC. Madrid, Spain. - Casanova, L. El gobierno de Trump y su Guerra commercial con China. 2020. Agenda Pública. October 6.
Interview by Emilio González. El desafío TikTok, la Nueva Ruta de la Seda y el imperio económico chino.
The conversation. September 27, 2020 - Casanova, L. 2020. Whatever it takes: Latin America’s solution to the crisis. Latin Trade. August-October
- Casanova, L. 2020. El daño económico el covid-9 en Latinoamérica. Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica. June 2020.
- Casanova, L. and A. Miroux. 2020. China forging ahead on the innovation path. Chapter 1 in OECD EMnet (2020), “Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2020”, OECD Emerging Markets Network, OECD Development Centre, Paris.
- Casanova, L. 2020. A game of chess: the Rise of Chinese Multinationals. Present Value podcast. S.C. Johnson School of Management
- Casanova, L. El gobierno de Trump y su Guerra commercial con China. 2020. Agenda Pública. October 6.
- Casanova, L. 2020. Whatever it takes: Latin America’s solution to the crisis. Latin Trade. August-October 2020.
- Casanova, L. 2020 ¿Quién está al Mando? El País. Spain. 15 August 2020.
- How is Geopolitics Shaping Brazil’s 5G Network Rollout? July 22, 2020. In Q&A. Latin Advisor. The Dialogue. Washington
- Casanova, L. Miroux, A. 2020. Depende: ¿Son las Empresas chinas globales? Esglobal. June 29, 2020.
- Casanova, L. Miroux, A. 2020. The rise of Chinese Multinationals. blog. EMGP. Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment. Columbia University.
- Interview by José A. Montenegro. Globo Economía. CNN en español. May 2 and 3, 2020.
- Casanova, L. ¿Saldrán fortalecidos de la pandemia los mercados emergentes? Agenda Pública. April 28, 2020
- Casanova, L. After 30 years of Telefónica’s expansion in Latin America, what now? March 30, 2020. March/April/May 2020. Vol. 28/no. 1
- Interviewed in: El problema de los mercados bursátiles es la incertidumbre actual: experta. W Radio Caracol. March 11, 2020. Colombia.
- Interview by Ignacio Fariza. March 10th, 2020. La crisis del coronavirus deja expuesta la fragilidad de las economías latinoamericanas. El País. Madrid. Spain
- Felix Naschold, Christopher B. Barrett, “A stochastic dominance approach to program evaluation with an application to child nutritional status in Kenya,” Agricultural Economics, 2020.
- Johanne Pelletier, Hambulo Ngoma, Nicole M. Mason, Christopher B. Barrett, “Does smallholder maize intensification reduce deforestation? Evidence from Zambia,” Global Environmental Change, 2020
- Maulik Jagnani, Christopher B. Barrett,Yanyan Liu, and Liangzhi You, “Within-Season Producer Response to Warmer Temperatures: Defensive Investments by Kenyan Farmers,” Economic Journal, 2020.
- Yanyan Liu, Christopher B. Barrett, Trinh Pham, William Violette, “The Intertemporal Evolution of Agriculture and Labor over a Rapid Structural Transformation: Lessons from Vietnam,” Food Policy, 2020.
- Casanova, L. and A. Miroux 2020. EMnet global meeting | Business in a Post-COVID World. OECD. EMnet. December 15 and 16.
- Casanova, L. 2020. What next for Global Value Chains. Oxford Analytica. November 5.
- Casanova, L. moderator with Andrew Karolyi, Kaushik Basu and Eswar Prasad. 2020. Restoring Financial Stability in Emerging Markets. The case Study of India. October 15. 11:30am.
- Casanova, L. G. Flores-Macías. 2020 U.S.-Mexico Relations Digital Classroom Series” October 9s. 2020 4:00 to 5:15pm.
- Casanova, L. A. Miroux. 2020. East Meets West: COVID-19 & Chinese Multinationals. September 26, 2020. School of Economics, Jilin University, Changchun, China. Zhejiang University, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Journal of Asian Economics. Transnational Corporations Council of Studies. Conference Organizing Committee (China and Canada)
- Casanova, L. A. Miroux. 2020. How Chinese companies are conquering the world. American University Cairo. September 22.
- Casanova, L. LAS ECONOMÍAS EMERGENTES Y LOS BRICS July 25, 2020. Funcas and Club de Roma.
- Casanova, L. and Miroux A., May 2020. The Impact of COVID-19 on business in emerging markets. EMnet, OECD dev. On-line event. May 19, 2020.
- Casanova L. and Miroux A., May 2020, The emergence of Chinese multinationals, Cheung Kong Graduate Business School (Americas), New-York. May 7, 2020. Available on YouTube.
- L. Casanova & Anne Miroux. Chinese Multinationals and their role in the Global Business Ecosystem. US-China Business Council. April 6, 2020.
- Casanova L. and Miroux A., March 2020, Presentation of EMI work on Emerging Market Multinationals and the Rise of Chinese firms, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New-York.
- Casanova, L and A. Miroux. “The Era of Chinese Multinationals” February 28, 2020. 12 30pm. HEC. Montreal. Canada.
- Casanova, L. “The Era of Chinese Multinationals” February 12, 2020. Chats in the stacks.
- L. Casanova & A. Miroux. EMI Report. 2019. January 30, 2020. DevTalks. OECD. Paris
- Casanova, L. “La era de las multinacionales chinas. Compitiendo por el dominio global” Lourdes Casanova. Fundación Rafael del Pino. January 22, 2020. Fundación Rafael del Pino. Madrid. Spain.
- Prasad, Eswar. “China’s Digital Currency Will Rise But Not Rule” Project Syndicate, August 2020.
- Agarwal, I., Gu, G.W. & Prasad, E. The Determinants of China’s International Portfolio Equity Allocations. IMF Econ Rev 68, 643–692 (2020).
- Sarah Allen, Srdjan Capkun, Ittay Eyal, Giulia Fanti, Bryan Ford, James Grimmelmann, Ari Juels, Kari Kostiainen, Sarah Meiklejohn, Andrew Miller, Eswar Prasad, Karl Wüst, and Fan Zhang. “Design Choice for Central Bank Digital Currency: Policy and Technical Considerations,” The Brookings Institute. July 2020.
- Christopher B. Barrett, “Actions now can curb food systems fallout from COVID-19,” Nature Food , May 2020
- Christopher B. Barrett, Comment on “The Effects of Untying International Food Assistance: The Case of Canada,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming
- Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, “Finding Our Balance? Revisiting the Randomization Revolution in Development Economics Ten Years Further On,” World Development, 2020
- Christopher B. Barrett, “On research strategy for the new one CGIAR: Editor’s introduction,” Food Policy, Vol. 91, March 2020
- Leah EM Bevis, Christopher B Barrett, “Close to the Edge: High Productivity at Plot Peripheries and the Inverse Size-Productivity Relationship,” Journal of Development Economics, March 2020.
- Karolyi, G. Andrew, et al. “The Theory and Practice of Investor Relations: A Global Perspective.” Management Science, 2020, doi:10.1287/mnsc.2019.3405.
- Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, Arnab Basu, Nancy Chau, and Devashish Mitra; “Offshoring to a Developing Nation with a Dual Labor Market”; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REVIEW, Volume 102, Third Quarter, 2020.
- Casanova, L. 2020 ¿Quién está al Mando? 15 August 2020.
- Casanova, L. A. Miroux. 2020. Repensando el mañana: El Auge de las multinacionales chinas #repensandomañana. Casa Asia May 6th, 2020.
- Casanova, L. Teoría Económica, ¿y ahora qué agenda? March 8, 2020, Agenda Pública
- Interview by Amaia Ormaetxea. La crisis se cronifica en Latinoamérica. 2020. Expansión. May 27, 2020.
- Interview by Ignacio Fariza. Emergentes, el ángulo ciego de la crisis. May 3rd, 2020
- Interviewed by Lalo Agustina, Piergiorgio M. Sandri. Trump dilapida su capital económico a siete meses de su cita con las urnas. La Vanguardia. Barcelona. Spain. March 30, 2020.
- Interviewed in. Coronavírus: entre os emergentes, Brasil é o mais afetado pela fuga de capitais. March 11, 2020. São Paulo. Brazil
- Interview by Ignacio Fariza. March 10th, 2020 Crise do coronavírus expõe fragilidade das economias latino-americanas.
- Interview by Ignacio Fariza. March 9th, 2020. La epidemia desata, en un mes y medio, la mayor fuga de capitales de los emergentes desde que hay registros. El País. Madrid. Spain
- Interview by Federico Fernández de Santos. China, un competidor en expansion. Executive excellence. March 2020.
- Interview by Ignacio Fariza. El País. ‘La doctrina Guedes pone Brasil en venta. January 4th, 2020.
- Interview by Alexis Rodríguez-Rata. ¿China conquista Europa.? Sí, hace años. La Vanguardia.
- Interview by Piergiorgio Sandri. 2020. La epidemia del coronavirus amenaza la economía mundial. February 3rd, 2020.
- Subhayu Bandopadhyay, Arnab K. Basu, Nancy H. Chau and Devashish Mitra. (2020); “Consequences of Offshoring to Developing Nations: Labor-Market Outcomes, Welfare and Corrective Interventions”, Economic Inquiry, 58(1), pp 209-224.
- Arnab K. Basu, Nancy H. Chau, Vidhya Soundararajan. (2019); “Wage Fairness in a Sub-Contracted Labor Market”; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 168, pp 24-42.
- Casanova, L. 2020. En tiempos de ‘trumpismo’ un virus nos da una lección. Agenda Pública. 30 January 2020.
- Interview. Estadão. O dilemma dos grupos espanhóis na América Latina. The Economist. 30 de dezembro de 2019.
- Interview. Schumpeter Column. The Economist. The agonizing dilemma of Spanish firms in Latin America. Conquistadors in a quandary. Dec 5th, 2019.
- “The Era of Chinese Multinationals” Lourdes Casanova. February 13, 2020. 12 30pm. The BRICS Law Collective. Cornell Law School. Cornell University.
- “The Era of Chinese Multinationals” Lourdes Casanova. February 12, 2020. Chats in the stacks.
- EMI report 2019. February 7, 2020. Research Seminars. Strategy Department. INSEAD. Fontainebleau.
- “The Era of Chinese Multinationals” Lourdes Casanova. January 29, 2020. Business school. Universita di Bologna.
- “The Era of Chinese Multinationals. Competing for Global Dominance” Lourdes Casanova. January 24, 2020. Research seminars. Business school. Universitat de Barcelona.
Books and Reports
- Casanova, L.; Miroux, A. 2019. Emerging Markets Report 2019. Building Constructive Engagement. 8 November 2019. ISBN-13: 978-1-7328042- 3-4. ISSN 2689-0127
- Casanova, L.; Miroux, A. 2019. The Era of Chinese Multinationals: How Chinese Companies Are Conquering the World. Academic Press. Elsevier. Paperback ISBN: 9780128168578 eBook ISBN: 9780128170601 DOI
- Casanova, L. and A. Miroux. 2019. China’s international investments facing policy headwinds. Chapter 1 in OECD EMnet (2019), “Business Insights on Emerging Markets 2019”, OECD Emerging Markets Network, OECD Development Centre, Paris
- Casanova, L. and A. Miroux. 2019. “The Rise of Chinese Multinationals: The Changing Landscape of Global Competition” in Vecchi A. (eds.) Chinese Acquisitions in Developed Countries. Measuring Operations Performance. Springer, cham. Switzerland AG. DOI
Articles in Journals
- Lourdes Casanova, Anne Miroux et al. Emerging Multinationals Research Network (EMRN). 2019. Innovation in Emerging Markets: The Case of Latin America. 2019. Academy of International Business (AIB) insights. Special issue on Latin America. Vol. 9. Issue 2. Pages 8-12.
- Lourdes Casanova & Anne Miroux (2019) Chinese companies conquering the world: A descriptive analysis of the rapid rise of Chinese acquisitions Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, 2019
- Lourdes Casanova & Anne Miroux (2018) Emerging market multinationals and development. Transnational corporations review, special issue, Transnational Corporations Review, 10:4, 285-287, DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2019.1573599
- Lourdes Casanova & Anne Miroux (2018) Emerging market multinationals reshaping the business landscape. (2018). Transnational Corporations Review. Transnational Corporations Review, Volume 10. Issue 4. Pages: 285-295. 2019-03-21 DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2018.1560241.
- Wang, Danqing, Fei Du and Christopher Marquis. 2019. “Defending Mao’s Dream: How Politicians’ Ideological Imprinting Affects Firms’ Political Appointment in China.” Academy of Management Journal. (Read a summary in Chinese)
- Jason R. Rohr, Christopher B. Barrett, David J. Civitello, Meggan E. Craft, Bryan Delius, Giulio A. DeLeo, Peter J. Hudson, Nicolas Jouanard, Karena H. Nguyen, Richard S. Ostfeld, Justin V. Remais, Gilles Riveau, Susanne H. Sokolow, and David Tilman, “Emerging human infectious diseases and the links to global food production,” Nature Sustainability 2, 445–456 (2019)
- Casanova, L. Taotao Chen, Chen Chen & Run Xu (2019) Emerging multinationals from China and Latin America: a comparative analysis, Transnational Corporations Review, DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2018.1564469
The Coming Wave – Where do Emerging Market Investors Put Their Money with Andrew Karolyi, David Ng, and Eswar Prasad, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2019
Blogs and Media/Press
- Interview. Estadão. O dilemma dos grupos espanhóis na América Latina. 30 de dezembro de 2019.
- Interview. Schumpeter Column. The Economist. The agonizing dilemma of Spanish firms in Latin America. Conquistadors in a quandary. Dec 5th, 2019.
- Interview by Gabriela Frías. López Obrador: la honestidad más importante que la experiencia. November 28, 2019
- Interview by Ignacio Fariza: “América Latina se ha equivocado al renunciar a la política industrial’. El País. November 5th 2019.
- Interview by Ignacio Fariza: “América Latina errou ao renunciar à política industrial”. El País. November 6th 2019.
- Interview by Alejandro Ángeles. Bimbo, ¿Cómo una empresa de tradición familiar conquista 4 continentes? October 23, 2019.
- Interview by Ignacio Fariza/Sandro Pozzi. La economía global necesita del trabajo en equipo. 13 October 2019. El Mañana. Suplemento dominical.
- Casanova, L. Are Latin American companies too focused on domestic markets? Latin Trade. Third Quarter October 20, 2019.
- Casanova, L. ¿Están las empresas latinoamericanas demasiado enfocadas en los mercados domésticos?. Latin Trade. Tercer Trimestre 2019.
- Casanova, L. Vender o no vender: el dilemma de Embraer. Latin Trade. Primer Trimestre 2019. 20 Marzo 2019
- Casanova, L. To sell or not to sell: Embraer’s dilemma. Latin Trade. First Quarter 2019.
- Casanova, L. NATURA, alcanza la mayoría de edad en la escena global. Latin Trade. Julio 20, 2019. Segundo Trimestre 2019.
- Interview by Leo Branco. Guedes ameaça sair do Mercosul, e analistas alertam que até preço do pãozinho seria afetado. August 16, 2019. O Globo. Economía. São Paulo. Brazil.
- Interview on Brazil by Pension Passport. Canadian Investment Review. The Podcast 2 August 2019. Canada.
- Interview by Agenda publica. China Intentará quedarse con algunos países europeos. Conversation with Federico Steinberg. 28 June 2019.
- Casanova afirma que Estados Unidos debe negociar con China para evitar una “guerra económica”. 22 junio 2019. Agencia EFE. Barcelona. Published at “EEUU debe negociar con China para evitar guerra económica”, La Vanguardia and Casanova afirma que Estados Unidos debe negociar con China para evitar una “guerra econòmica”, El Diario.
- Interview with Leo Branco. UE-Mercosul: ‘Acordo pode acelerar internacionalização dos negócios brasileiros’ 01/07/2019 São Paulo. Brazil. O’Globo. Economia.
- Interview by Piergiorgio Sandri. Es muy difícil que Pekín pierda esta Guerra. June 30th, 2019. La Vanguardia. Barcelona. Spain.
- Interview by Piergiorgio Sandri. Es molt difícil que Pequin perdi aquesta Guerra. June 30th, 2019. La Vanguardia. Barcelona. Spain.
- Interview by Maria Dolores Albiac Euroeconomía, es tan pequeño, solo 5 minutos…pero es también su virtud: un flash. July 14, 2019. Radio 5 Todo Noticias.
- Interview by Saibal Dasgupta. China’s Reforms Move May Just Be Bargaining Chip for US Negotiators. July 5, 2019. Voice of America.
- Interview by Marta García Aller. Tucídides en el G-20: Cuando EEUU se dio cuenta de que China no solo hacía zapatos. El Confidencial. Madrid. Spain July 1st, 2019.
- Casanova, L. The Brazilian Natura buys Avon. Portafolio Global. Gabriela Frías. CNN en español. May 23, 2019
- Casanova, L. by R. Andrade and Leo Branco. Nome da nova empresa da Embraer será Boeing Brasil-Commercial. O Globo. May 23, 2019
- Casanova, L. by Leo Branco and R. Setti. O caso do Fundo 3G capital, de Jorge Paulo Lemann. O Globo. 7 March 2019.
- Casanova, L. Miroux, A. 2019. Emerging Markets Reshaping Globalization. Global Business School Network. GBSN blog. 29 April 2019.
- “Empresas: a internacionalizarse para medirse con sus competidores”, Lourdes Casanova. Dinero. Bogotá. Colombia. 4 May 2019.
- Casanova, L. 2019. Interview for Portafolio in Colombia. Las Claves del éxito de las multinacionales chinas en el mundo. 22 April 2019.
- Casanova, L. 2019. Interview for Latin America Advisory. Will 5G services Live Up to the Hype in Latin America? The Dialogue. Washington D.C. 2 April 2019.
- Interview by Saibal Dasgupta. 2019. China Tweaks Tech Supremacy Plan. Voice of America. 12 March 2019. Available at Malaysia Sun.
- Interview CNNdinero. 2019 La minera Vale, ¿sabia los riesgos de la represa? CNN en español. 11 February 2018. . 12 February 2019.
- Interview by Zhen Xin. January 18, 2019. Chinese firms eyeing South American market.
- Interview by Saibal Gupta. 2019. ‘Made in China 2015’ Feels trade War Pinch. Voice of America in China. 15 January 2019.
- Interview by CNN en español. ¿Se complica el panorama para la minera brasileña Vale? 29 January 2019.
- Interview by Aurora Díaz-Rato Revuelta. Casanova, L. 2019. Interview by Aurora Díaz-Rato Revuelta. Telediario at 3pm. 22 January 2019. Minute 26
- Carla Gomes, Thomas Dietterich, Christopher Barrett, Jon Conrad, Bistra Dilkina, Stefano Ermon, Fei Fang, Andrew Farnsworth, Alan Fern, Xiaoli Fern, Daniel Fink, Douglas Fisher, Alexander Flecker, Daniel Freund, Angela Fuller, John Gregoire, John Hopcroft, Steve Kelling, Zico Kolter, Warren Powell, Nicole Sintov, John Selker, Bart Selman, Daniel Sheldon, David Shmoys, Milind Tambe, Weng-Keen Wong, Christopher Wood, Xiaojian Wu, Yexiang Xue, Amulya Yadav, Abdul-Aziz Yakubu, Mary Lou Zeeman, ” Computational Sustainability: Computing for a Better World and a Sustainable Future,” Communications of the ACM, September 2019, Vol. 62 No. 9, Pages 56-65. Link to Video
- Fiorella, K. J., E. R. Bageant, M. Kim, V. Sean, V. Try, H. J. MacDonell, E. Baran, Y. Kura, A. C. Brooks, C. B. Barrett and S. H. Thilsted. 2019. “Analyzing drivers of fish biomass and biodiversity within community fish refuges in Cambodia.” Ecology and Society 24 (3): article 18.
- Christopher D. Golden, Cortni Borgerson, Benjamin L Rice, Lindsay H. Allen, Evelin Jean Gasta Anjaranirina, Christopher B. Barrett, Godfred Boateng, Jessica A Gephart, Daniela Hampel, Daniel L Hartl, Erwin Knippenberg, Samuel S Myers, Dera H. Ralalason, Herlyne Ramihantaniarivo, Hervet J. Randriamady, Setareh Shahab-Ferdows, Bapu Vaitla, Sarah K Volkman, Miadana A Vonona,“Cohort Description of the Madagascar Health and Environmental Research–Antongil (MAHERY–Antongil) Study in Madagascar” Frontiers in Nutrition, section Nutrition and Sustainable Diets. 2019.
- Kibrom A. Abay, Gashaw T. Abate, Christopher B. Barrett, Tanguy Bernard, “Correlated Non-Classical Measurement Errors, ‘Second Best’ Policy Inference and the Inverse Size-Productivity Relationship in Agriculture,” Journal of Development Economics, 2019.
- Marquis, Christopher and Kunyuan Qiao. 2018. “Waking from Mao’s Dream: Communist Ideological Imprinting and the Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Ventures in China.” Administrative Science Quarterly. (Read a summary in the article “The paradox of communist entrepreneurs in China”, LSE Business Review, and on Organizational Musings in English and Chinese).
- Marquis, Christopher and Yanhua Bird. 2018. “The Paradox of Responsive Authoritarianism: Civil Society, Local Governments and Environmental Penalties in China.” Organization Science. (Read a summary in the article “The tensions underlying how China deals with environmental complaints”, LSE Business Review and in Cornell Enterprise; Finalist for 2019 IACMR-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Management)
- Liang, Hao, Christopher Marquis, Luc Renneboog, and Sunny Li Sun. 2018. “Future-Time Framing: The Effect of Language on Corporate Future Orientation.” (Read summary in Chinese and an interview about a prior version in HBS Working knowledge). Organization Science. Forthcoming.
- Hiatt, Shon; Sine, Wesley; Carlos, W. Chad. “Manu Militari: New Venture Ties to Coercive Institutions in Emerging Economies” Organization Science. 29.4 (2018): 547-753
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Innovation in Latin America” Innovation in Emerging Markets, Ed. J. Haar, Ed. R. Ernst. Palgrave Macmillan. (2016)
- Casanova, Lourdes; Renck, H. Brusius Brust. “Business Sector Responses to the Rise of the Middle Class” Latin America’s Emerging Middle Classes: Economic Perspectives, Ed. J. Dayton. Palgrave Macmillian. (2015): 240
- Rullan, S.; Casanova, Lourdes. “Innovation in Latin America: The Case of Mexico” International Journal of Economic Sciences & Applied Research. 8.3 (2015): 59-68
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Las Multinacionales Latinoamericanas ante la ‘nueva realidad’” Un Siglo de Cambios: Familias Empresarias y Grandes Empresas y Grupos Familiares en America Latina y Espana, Ed. P. Fernández, Ed. A. Lluch. BBVA Foundation. (2015)
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Latin American Multinationals Facing the New Reality” Revista Brasileira de Comercio Exterior. 123 (2015)
- Casanova, Lourdes; Kononenko, R.; Villalobos, A. “Petrobras: An Uncertain Future for a Global Latina” Vizinhos Atlânticos: Instituições, Desenvolvimento e Política Externa entre Angola e Brasil, Lisboa, Ed. Bruno Bernardes, Ed. Gilberto Pereira. (2015)
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Reflexiones para mi hija Sara Julia” Liderazgo Femenino. Aprendizajes de Carrera de ejecutivas Latinas, Ed. Betina Rama. (2015)
- Karolyi, Andrew. “Cracking the Emerging Markets Enigma“. Oxford University Press. (2015): 312pp
- Karolyi, Andrew; Taboada, Alvaro. “Regulatory Arbitrage and Cross-Border Bank Acquisitions” Journal of Finance. 70.6 (2015): 2395-2450
- Casanova, Lourdes; Kassum, J. “A Economia Política de uma Potência Global Emergente“. Qualitymark. (2015): 256pp
- Carla Gomes, Thomas Dietterich, Christopher Barrett, Jon Conrad, Bistra Dilkina, Stefano Ermon, Fei Fang, Andrew Farnsworth, Alan Fern, Xiaoli Fern, Daniel Fink, Douglas Fisher, Alexander Flecker, Daniel Freund, Angela Fuller, John Gregoire, John Hopcroft, Steve Kelling, Zico Kolter, Warren Powell, Nicole Sintov, John Selker, Bart Selman, Daniel Sheldon, David Shmoys, Milind Tambe, Weng-Keen Wong, Christopher Wood, Xiaojian Wu, Yexiang Xue, Amulya Yadav, Abdul-Aziz Yakubu, Mary Lou Zeeman, ” Computational Sustainability: Computing for a Better World and a Sustainable Future,” Communications of the ACM, September 2019, Vol. 62 No. 9, Pages 56-65. Link to Video
- Fiorella, K. J., E. R. Bageant, M. Kim, V. Sean, V. Try, H. J. MacDonell, E. Baran, Y. Kura, A. C. Brooks, C. B. Barrett and S. H. Thilsted. 2019. “Analyzing drivers of fish biomass and biodiversity within community fish refuges in Cambodia.” Ecology and Society 24 (3): article 18.
- Christopher D. Golden, Cortni Borgerson, Benjamin L Rice, Lindsay H. Allen, Evelin Jean Gasta Anjaranirina, Christopher B. Barrett, Godfred Boateng, Jessica A Gephart, Daniela Hampel, Daniel L Hartl, Erwin Knippenberg, Samuel S Myers, Dera H. Ralalason, Herlyne Ramihantaniarivo, Hervet J. Randriamady, Setareh Shahab-Ferdows, Bapu Vaitla, Sarah K Volkman, Miadana A Vonona,“Cohort Description of the Madagascar Health and Environmental Research–Antongil (MAHERY–Antongil) Study in Madagascar” Frontiers in Nutrition, section Nutrition and Sustainable Diets. 2019.
- Hiatt, Shon; Sine, Wesley; Carlos, W. Chad. “Manu Militari: New Venture Ties to Coercive Institutions in Emerging Economies” Organization Science. 29.4 (2018): 547-753
- Dawande, Milind; Gavirneni, Nagesh; Mehrotra, Mili; Mookerjee, Vijay. “Efficient Distribution of Water Between Head-Reach and Tail-End Farms in Developing Countries” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 15.2 (2013): 221-238
- Cui, Yin; Chen, Lucy; Chen, Jian; Gavirneni, Nagesh; Wang, Qi. “Chinese Perspective on Newsvendor Bias: An Exploratory Note” Journal of Operations Management. 31.1-2 (2013): 93-97
- Doidge, Craig; Karolyi, Andrew; Stulz, Rene. “The U.S. left behind? Financial globalization and the rise of IPOs outside the U.S.” Journal of Financial Economics. 110.3 (2013): 546-573
- Casanova, Lourdes; Dumas, A. “Should poverty alleviation be part of Multinationals Corporate Responsibility?” Global Compact International Yearbook 2012. (2012): Pages 54 – 57
- Pérez, Paloma; Casanova, Lourdes. “Some Keys of the Longevity of Big Brazilian Family Firms” Apuntes: Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Notes, Social Science Journal). 39.70 (2012): 273-300
- Karolyi, Andrew. “Corporate Governance, Agency Problems and International Cross-listings: A Defense of the Bonding Hypothesis” Emerging Markets Review. 13.4 (2012): 516-547
- Karolyi, Andrew; Lee, Kuan-Hui; Van Dijk, Mathijs. “Understanding Commonality in Liquidity around the World” Journal of Financial Economics. 105.1 (2012): 82-112
- Bailey, Warren; Mao, Connie; Sirodom, Kulpatra. “Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Intraday Evidence from Thailand” Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 20.1 (2012): 101-121
- Campello, Murillo. “Contemporary Corporate Finance Research on South America” Journal of Corporate Finance. 18.4 (2012): 879-882
- Casanova, Lourdes; Castellani, F.; Dayton-Johnson, S.; Dutta, Soumitra; Fonstad, N.; Paunov, C. “InnovaLatino: Fostering Innovation in Latin America“. INSEAD/OECD; Ariel/Fundación Telefónica. (2011)
- Casanova, Lourdes. “La década dorada latinoamericana: las ‘global latinas’ llegan a occidente” Economía Exterior. 59 (2011): 85-91
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Capítulo 22: El nuevo poder global de las corporaciones latinoamericanas” Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa en América Latina: Manual de Gestión, Ed. B. En Caravedo, Ed. Lourdes Casanova, Ed. A. Vives, Ed. E. Peinado-Vara, Ed. et al.. FOMIN Inter-American Development Bank. (2011)
- Casanova, Lourdes; Rodríguez-Montemayor, E. “El papel de España en los Lazos Económicos entre Asia y Latinoamérica: Grandes empresas, Pymes y la ciudad de Barcelona como puentes entre las dos zonas”. Casa Asia/INSEAD. (2011)
- Casanova, Lourdes; Dayton-Johnson, J.; Fonstad, N.; Pietikainen, A. “Innovation in Latin America: Recent Insights” Global Innovation Index 2011: Accelerating Growth and Development, Ed. Soumitra Dutta. INSEAD. 4th Edition (2011): Chapter 2
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Innovation in Latin American Emerging Multinationals” The Economist Intelligence Unit. (2011)
- Rullán, S.; Bacaria, J.; Casanova, Lourdes. “Innovation Systems: The European Experience and Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean”. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. (2011)
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Las multinacionales emergentes latinoamericanas. El español como ventaja competitiva” Palabra por palabra: El impacto social, económico y político del español y del inglés, Ed. Philip Powell-Davis, Ed. Jaime Otero, Ed. José Ferrari. Instituto Cervantes/British Council. (2011): 279-292
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Latin America’s Emerging Multinationals: Spanish as a Competitive Advantage” Word for Word: The Social, Economic and Political Impact of Spanish and English, Ed. Philip Powell-Davies, Ed. Jaime Otero, Ed. Maria Ferrari. Instituto Cervantes/British Council. (2011): Part Four (p.285-300)
- Hou, Kewei; Karolyi, Andrew; Kho, Bong-Chan. “What Factors Drive Global Stock Returns?” Review of Financial Studies. 24.8 (2011): 2527-2574
- Keatinge, J.; Gomez, Miguel; Barrett, Christopher; Buck, Louise; De Groote, Hugo; Ferris, Shaun; Gao, H; McCullough, Ellen; Miller, Dennis; Outhred, Hugh; Pell, Alice; Reardon, Thomas; Retnanestri, Maria; Ruben, Ruerd; Struebi, Patrick; Swinnen, Johan; Touesnard, Monica; Weinberger, Katinka; Keatinge, J.; Milstein, Mark; Yang, Ray-yu. “Research Principles for Developing Country Food Value Chains” Science. 332.6034 (2011): 1154-1155
- Bailey, Warren; Huang, Wei; Yang, Zhishu. “Bank Loans with Chinese Characteristics: Some Evidence on Inside Debt in a State-Controlled Banking System” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 46.6 (2011): 1795-1830
- Bae, K.H.; Bailey, Warren. “The Latin Monetary Union: Some Evidence on Europe’s Failed Common Currency” Review of Development Finance. 1.2 (2011): 131-149
- Casanova, Lourdes; Dumas, A. “Corporate Social Responsibility and Latin American Multinationals: Is Poverty a Business Issue?” Universia Business Review. 25 (2010): 132-145
- Casanova, Lourdes. “La multinacionales emergences globales de Latinoamérica” Anuario Iberoamericano Elcano, Ed. Carlos Malamud, Ed. Paul Isbell, Ed. Federico Steinberg, Ed. Concha Tejedor. EFE/Real Instituto Elcano. 4th Edition (2010)
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Latin American Multinationals at the Threshold of a Great Opportunity” Research in Agricultural Engineering, Ed. Eduardo Diniz. 50.4 (2010): 439-445
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Los Nuevos Protagonistas del Sur: Las multinacionales emergentes latinoamericanas” Foreign Affairs en Espanol. 10.1 (2010)
- Casanova, Lourdes; Arruda, C.; Pinedo, E. “Politec: Brazilian IT services with Global Reach” The Rise of Brazilian Multinationals: Making the Leap from Regional Heavyweights to true multinationals, Ed. Jase Ramsey, Ed. André Almeida. Campus/Elsevier. (2010)
- Casanova, Lourdes; Hoeber, H. “Vale, Uma líder Multinacional Emergente” A ascensão das multinacionais Brasileiras, Ed. Jase Ramsey, Ed. André Almeida. Campus/Elsevier. (2010): Chapter 10
- Iankova, Elena. “Central and Eastern European capitalism: a critical perspective on the varieties of capitalism approach for its analysis” Emecon. 1 (2010)
- Gagnon, Louis; Karolyi, Andrew. “Multi-Market Trading and Arbitrage” Journal of Financial Economics. 97.1 (2010): 53-80
- Doidge, Craig; Karolyi, Andrew; Stulz, Rene. “Why Do Foreign Firms Leave U.S. Equity Markets?” Journal of Finance. 65.4 (2010): 1507-1553
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Global Latinas: Latin America’s Emerging Multinationals“. Palgrave MacMillan. (2009)
- Casanova, Lourdes; Hoeber, H. “Cemex: Building a Global Latina” Strategic Management: Competitiveness & Globalization, Ed. M. Hitt, Ed. R. Ireland, Ed. R. Hoskisson. Cengage Learning/South Western. 9th Edition (2009)
- Casanova, Lourdes; Fraser, M. “From Multilatinas to Global Latinas – The New Latin American Multinationals (Compilation Case Studies)”. IDB. (2009)
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Learning Best Human Resources Management Practices from Spanish Multinationals in Latin America: A Case Study of Telefónica” Best Human Resource Management Practices in Latin America, Ed. Annabella Davila, Ed. Marta Elvira. Routledge. (2009)
- Zollo, M.; Minoja, M.; Casanova, Lourdes; Hockerts, K.; Neergaard, P.; Schneider, S.; Tencati, A. “Towards an Internal Change Management Perspective of CSR: Evidence from Project RESPONSE on the Sources of Cognitive Alignment between Managers and Their Stakeholders, and Their Implications for Social Performance” Corporate Governance. 9.4 (2009): 355-372
- Chen, Ya-Ru; Leung, Kwok; Chen, Chao. “Bringing National Culture to the Table: Making a Difference through Cross-Cultural Differences and Perspectives” The Academy of Management Annals, Ed. J. Walsh, Ed. A. Brief. 3.1 (2009): 217-249
- Iankova, Elena. “Business, Government and EU Accession: Strategic Partnership and Conflict“. Lexington Books. (2009): 360
- Karolyi, Andrew; Li, Lianfa; Liao, Rose. “A (Partial) Resolution of the Chinese Discount Puzzle: The 2001 deregulation of the B-share market” Journal of Financial Economic Policy. 1.1 (2009): 80-106
- Doidge, Craig; Karolyi, Andrew; Stulz, Rene. “Has New York Become Less Competitive than London in Global Markets? Evaluating Foreign Listing Choices over Time” Journal of Financial Economics. 91.3 (2009): 253-277
- Gagnon, Louis; Karolyi, Andrew. “Information, Trading Volume, and International Stock Return Comovements: Evidence from Cross-listed Stocks” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 44.4 (2009): 953-986
- Doidge, Craig; Karolyi, Andrew; Lins, Karl; Miller, Darius; Stulz, Rene. “Private Benefits of Control, Ownership and the Cross-Listing Decision” Journal of Finance. 64.1 (2009): 425-466
- Bailey, Warren; Cai, Jun; Cheung, Yan; Wang, Fenghua. “Stock Returns, Order Imbalances, and Commonality: Evidence on Individual, Institutional, and Proprietary Investors in China”” Journal of Banking & Finance. 33.1 (2009): 9-19
- Iankova, Elena. “From Corporate Paternalism to Corporate Social Responsibility in Post-Communist Europe” Journal of Corporate Citizenship. 29 (2008): 75-89
- Casanova, Lourdes; Gradillas, M.; Hockerts, K.; Sloan, P.; Crone Jensen, E. “An overview of CSR Practices. Response Benchmarking Report” INSEAD Working Papers Collection;2008, Issue 67, p1. Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, CBS. (2008): 52
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Invest in Latin America: Strategic Perspectives of Multinational Corporations” PKU Business Review (Beijing University). 40 (2007): 136-143
- Casanova, Lourdes; Zollo, M. “Understanding Corporate Responsibility: Results and Insights from the Response Project”. European Union Report. (2007)
- Doidge, Craig; Karolyi, Andrew; Stulz, Rene. “Why Do Countries Matter So Much for Corporate Governance?” Journal of Financial Economics. 86.1 (2007): 1-39
- Sine, Wesley; Mitsuhashi, Hitoshi; Kirsch, David. “Revisiting Burns and Stalker: Formal Structure and New Venture Performance in Emerging Economic Sectors” Academy of Management Journal. 49.1 (2006): 121-132
- Bailey, Warren; Karolyi, Andrew; Salva, Carolina. “The Economic Consequences Of Increased Disclosure: Evidence From International Cross-listings” Journal of Financial Economics. 81.1 (2006): 175-213
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Latin America: Economic and Business Context” Managing Human Resources in Latin America: An Agenda for International Leaders, Ed. Marta Elvira, Ed. Annabella Davila. Routledge. (2005)
- Casanova, Lourdes. “Latin America: Economic and Business Context” The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 16.12 (2005): 2173-2188
- Casanova, Lourdes. “East Asian, European, and North American Multinational Firm Strategies in Latin America” Business and Politics. 6.1 (2004)
- Morrison, Elizabeth; Chen, Ya-Ru; Salgardo, Susan. “Cultural Differences in Newcomer Feedback Seeking: A Comparison of the United States and Hong Kong” em>Applied Psychology: An International Review. 53.1 (2004): 1-22
- Chen, Chao; Chen, Ya-Ru; Xin, Katherine. “Guanxi Practices and Trust in Management: A Procedural Justice Perspective” Organization Science. 15.2 (2004): 200-209
- Bailey, Warren; Bhaopichitr, Kirida. “How Important Was Silver? Some Evidence on Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Stock Returns in Colonial Era Asia” Journal of Business. 77.1 (2004): 137-174
- Iankova, Elena; Katz, Jan. “Strategies for political risk mediation by international firms in transition economies: The case of Bulgaria” Journal of World Business. 38.3 (2003): 182-203
- Bond, Shaun; Karolyi, Andrew; Sanders, Anthony. “International Real Estate Returns: A Multifactor, Multicountry Approach” Real Estate Economics. 31.3 (2003): 481-500
- Chen, Ya-Ru; Mannix, Elizabeth; Okumura, Tetsushi. “The Importance of Who You Meet: Effects of Self- versus Other-Concerns among Negotiators in the United States, the People’s Republic of China, and Japan” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 39.1 (2003): 1-15
- Bailey, Warren; Mao, Connie; Zhong, Rui. “Exchange Rate Regimes and Stock Return Volatility: Some Evidence from Asia’s Silver Era” Journal of Economics and Business. 55.5-6 (2003): 557-584
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- Mezias, Stephen; Chen, Ya-Ru; Murphy, Patrice; Biaggio, Angela; Chuawanlee, Wiladlak; Hui, Harry; Okumura, Tetsushi; Starr, Stephanie. “National Cultural Distance as Liability of Foreignness: The Issue of Level of Analysis” Journal of International Management. 8.4 (2002): 407-421
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“The growing availability of data from emerging markets allows us to study problems of generic interest to finance and economics where the risks and impact of institutions is heightened.”
Warren Bailey, Professor of Finance