Parker Center for Investment Research
See how we’re preparing students for the future in asset management, including stock pitches, student-managed funds, and case competitions.

Competing in the Cornell Undergraduate Stock Pitch Challenge: A Deep Dive into Equity Research
Students from across the country advanced their equity research skills by competing in the 11th Annual Cornell Undergraduate Stock Pitch Challenge.

WIN Conference aims to boost representation of women in investing
The Undergraduate Women in Investing Conference aims to educate undergraduate women about career options and facilitate recruiting, networking opportunities with sponsoring firms.

Investing at Cornell theme launches campus-wide Investing Ideas Forum
Five teams participated in Investing at Cornell’s first Investment Ideas Forum, including undergraduate and graduate students from across Cornell.

Keynote speaker John Fekete, MBA ’99, kicks off Parker Center MBA Stock Pitch Challenge
John Fekete, managing director at Crescent Capital Group, shared his views on portfolio strategies and investment industry challenges.

Student Perspective: A participant’s view of the virtual MBA Stock Pitch Challenge
Chris Magas, MBA ’22, describes his team’s experience of preparing for and presenting at this year’s virtual MBA Stock Pitch Challenge.

Johnson faculty and alumni launch investment internship with the Cayuga Fund
An initiative led by the Parker Center provides investing experience for Cornell students whose summer internship plans were disrupted by COVID-19.

Student perspective: Managing assets in a time of uncertainty and volatility
Cayuga Fund student asset managers quickly adapted to work virtually when COVID-19 and resulting economic disruption hit the markets.

Cornell team ‘solves the retirement puzzle,’ earns first place at the 2020 IPCC
Robert Carney, member of the winning Cornell team at the 4th Annual Investment Portfolio Case Competition, recounts his experience at the event.

How Cornell MBAs pitched three stocks in 13 hours
MBA students were given only 13 hours to prepare their stock pitches for the MBA Stock Pitch Challenge. Two students recount their experience.