Emerging Markets Institute Sponsors the Third Symposium on “Emerging Financial Markets: China and Beyond” with Peking Univeristy

On July 5 and 6 2014, the EMI sponsored a major international research conference, the Symposium on Emerging Financial Markets: China and Beyond, at the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University. Other sponsors were the Bendheim Center for Finance at Princeton University and Peking University’s Academy of Finance and Development.
This symposium was intended to provide a platform for researchers to discuss fundamental research and policy issues related to emerging financial markets. Emerging economies, including China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa and others, have experienced rapid economic growth over the past several decades and they now constitute half of the world’s GDP. Capital markets in those countries have been developed more slowly and insufficiently to fund the expanding growth opportunities. Further, uneven quality domestic institutions impede external capital from satisfying that unmet demand for capital. With these challenges, there has been a growing research interest in using the unique institutional settings and rich data sources in emerging economies to study a range of fundamental questions in finance.
The symposium attracted 250 registered participants, including scholars from all over China, Asia-Pacific, North America, and Europe. Nine research papers were presented with an additional panel discussion on the challenges of doing research on emerging financial markets.
Johnson School is now actively exploring the possibility to host the next conference in the United States in 2015.