Parker Center for Investment Research
See how we’re preparing students for the future in asset management, including stock pitches, student-managed funds, and case competitions.

Johnson’s Parker Center for Investment Research celebrates 20 years
The Parker Center’s 20th anniversary celebration brought together more than 120 members of the Johnson community Oct. 25 in Manhattan.

Recapping the Undergraduate Stock Pitch Challenge
Sameer, a junior at Cornell, recounts his experiences at the 8th annual Undergraduate Stock Pitch Challenge hosted by Johnson’s Parker Center.

Taking home top honors at the Cornell Investment Portfolio Case Competition
Lindsey Staley, Two-Year MBA ’19, recounts her experience winning the top prize at in the Cornell Investment Portfolio Case Competition, from first applying to heading to Cornell Tech in NYC and presenting in front of the judges.

Women on Wall Street: Charged for Success
To make it on Wall Street, a woman needs stellar skills in finance and investing plus the mettle and stamina to excel in a world dominated by men.

MBA Women in Investing: Ramona Persaud discusses uncertainty, change, and career success
For Ramona Persaud, a speaker at the MBA Women in Investing Conference, constant change and uncertainty growing up helped propel her to career success.

Bringing the Stock Pitch Challenge trophy home
This year, my team and I are absolutely thrilled to bring home the Jack M. Ferraro Trophy. We are elated and overwhelmed to represent Johnson.

Undergraduate Women in Investing Conference, two years and counting
Fifty-three undergraduate women from 12 colleges attended the second Cornell Undergraduate Women in Investing (WIN) Conference.