Discussing Brazil’s current political and economic crisis at Cornell


III Brazilian Conference: Is Brazil’s Democracy in Crisis? organized by BRASA Cornell in partnership with the Emerging Markets Institute

by Samantha Rullán, EMI Assistant Director (06/28/2016)

On April 25th, 2016 more than 50 students and faculty were present during the event organized by BRASA Cornell in partnership with the Emerging Markets Institute, the III Brazilian Conference: Is Brazil’s Democracy in Crisis? Where experts discussed the current situation in Brazil. In the first panel, which focused on the economy and technology, guest speakers discussed competitiveness and innovation. While in the second panel, focused on the political climate in Brazil, the guest speakers highlighted the most important challenges and proposed changes in the political institutions.

Lourdes Casanova, Academic Director of the EMI was the moderator of the first panel and the guest speakers who participated were: Roberto Alvarez, Executive Director of the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils; Nathalia Foditsch, attorney and researcher in communications law and policy; Anne Miroux, former Director of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s division on technology and trade logistics and Laurenco de Pauli, Partner at Uber and former Business Acceleration Manager at Ventiur.

Laurenco de Pauli, Roberto Alvarez, Natalia Foditsch, Anne Miroux and Lourdes Casanova

For the second panel, Eudes Lopes, PhD candidate at Cornell University, was the moderator with the following guest speakers: Gustavo Flores-Macías, Assistant Professor at Cornell’s Department of Government. Director Latin American Studies Program; Christopher Sabatini, Professor at Columbia University and founder of Americas Quarterly, Lourdes Casanova, Academic Director of the EMI and Joao Augusto de Castro Neves, Director of Latin America at Eurasia Group.

This event was not only relevant but also timely, at a difficult and challenging time for the biggest Latin American country. Brazil is undergoing a major political crisis and severe recession, the worst in 25 years. The corruption scandal has tainted a once considered the economic powerhouse of the region and a rising star in the emerging markets. The panelist not only discussed the most pressing challenges but also opportunities and lessons to learn from this experience. They expressed their opinions and suggestions on what can be done to improve Brazil’s situation and achieve stability.

BRASA and EMI team with guest speakers.