Brazil and Latin America Innovating to Overcome the Crisis

The 4th Annual BRASA Conference seeks to promote discussion on new alternatives to expand Brazil and Latin America initiatives on skills development, based on successful experiences and the role of the new player

On March 13th the Brazilian Student Association (BRASA) at Cornell hosted their 4th Annual Brazil Conference, “Brazil and Latin America: Innovating to Overcome the Crisis” at Cornell University. The conference organized experts from academia and the private, public, and nonprofit sectors to discuss the current economic and political volatility in Brazil and discuss on new alternatives to expand Brazil and Latin America initiatives on skills development, based on successful experiences and the role of the new players.
The 4th Annual Brazil Conference was supported by several sponsors and contributors such as Mario Einaudi – Center for International Studies, SC John
son College of Business – Emerging Markets Institute (EMI), Cornell Institute for Public Affairs (CIPA), Latin American Business Association (LABA), Latin American Studies Program (LASP), Roper Center for Public Opinion Research and Qubo.

Conference Agenda
4:00 – Registration
4:30 – Opening
- Lourdes Casanova, Director of Emerging Markets Institute of Cornell College of Business
- Hirokazu Miyazaki, Director of Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
- Sharon Tennyson, Director of Cornell Institute for Public Affairs
5:00 – Panel 1 – Latina America: economic and political and challenges
Like many of its neighbors, Brazil is going through an economic, ethical and political crisis. People all around the world are wondering how not only Brazil but also Latin America will recover from their generalized crisis. The first panel of the forum will present the current economic and political scenarios and how the future is looking for the region.
Moderator: Lourdes Casanova,Panelist:
- Mr. Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director for Latin America at World Bank
- Mr. Jonas Rabinovitch, Senior Advisor to the United Nations on Governance and Public Administration Innovation for Sustainable Development
- Mr. Francisco Gaetani – President of National College of Public Administration (ENAP)-Brazil
6:00 – Coffee-break
6:30 – Panel 2 – Brazil: innovating to overcome the crisis
What role can innovation play to overcome the crisis that Brazil and other countries in Latin America are facing? How can the public and the private sector work with innovation to foster Brazil to overcome its current crisis?
Moderator: Evodio Kaltenecker
- Mrs. Gianna Sagazio – Innovation Director at Brazilian Industries Confederation (CNI/IEL)
- Mr. Silverio Zebral Filho – Head of the Government Innovation Unit at the Organization of American States
- Mrs. Analucia Alonso – Specialist at Inter-american Development Bank, Latin America’s Anti-poverty Programs
7:30 – Cocktail Reception
Conference information
Facebook Page:
Cornell Events Link:
Overall logistics and organization:
Prof. Cristina Castro-Lucas – Visiting Scholar at Cornell University
Fernanda Piorino – BRASA/Cornell President
Gustavo Guimarães – Research Fellow – Emerging Markets Institute
Viviane V. Gomide – MPA 2nd year – CIPA