Geraldo is from a family of entrepreneurs as his father founded in 1967 a leading company that invests in large-scale, high quality timberland assets, sustainable charcoal-based pig iron production and forestry services in Brazil.
He held several key positions in his family business, Plantar SA. During this time he participated in the development and implementation of the 1st Brazilian (and the 5th in the world) Greenhouse Gases Emission Reduction Project jointly with The World Bank. Geraldo also helped structure the world’s 1st financial operation involving carbon credits originating from emissions reductions as collateral.
Geraldo also worked for Brookfield Asset Management (BAM) in New York City as an Associate in its Private Funds Division, conducting market, financial and pro-forma analysis for acquisition, due diligence of investment transactions in infrastructure and real estate investments.
Returning to to the family business, Geraldo led a timberland company called “Aflopar SA”, from its inception, through investment management, timberland operations, and sale to one the world’s largest timberland investment groups.
Geraldo also invests in promising Brazilian industries such as retail, biotech and education.
He acted as a member of the Brazilian delegation in a United Nations Conference on Climate Change held in India in 2002. He co-authored the chapter “Sustainable Development – The Kyoto Protocol and The Plantar Project” in the book “Sustainability Brazil” – published in 2006.