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Panikos, Georgallis; Dowell, Glen; Durand, Rodolphe. “Shine on Me: Industry Coherence and Policy Support for Emerging Industries ” Administrative Science Quarterly . 64.3 (2018)
Marquis, Christopher; Bird, Yanhua. “The Paradox of Responsive Authoritarianism: Civil Society, Local Governments and Environmental Penalties in China ” Organization Science . 29.5 (2018): 755-987
Lee, Matthew; Marquis, Christopher. “Large Corporations, Social Capital, and Community Philanthropy ” Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility (Advances in Strategic Management) , Ed. Sinziana Dorobantu, Ed. Ruth Aguilera, Ed. Jiao Luo, Ed. Frances Milliken. Emerald Publishing Limited. 38 (2018): 197-266
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Dowell, Glen; Muthulingam, Suresh. “Will Firms Go Green If It Pays? The Impact of Disruption, Cost, and External Factors on the Adoption of Environmental Initiatives ” Strategic Management Journal . 38.6 (2017): 1287–1304
Kalnins, Arturs; Dowell, Glen. “Community Characteristics and Changes in Toxic Chemical Releases: Does Information Disclosure Affect Environmental Injustice? ” Journal of Business Ethics . 145.2 (2017): 277 – 292
Berchicci, Luca; Dowell, Glen; King, Andrew. “Environmental Performance and the Market for Corporate Assets ” Strategic Management Journal . 38.12 (2017): 2444 – 2464
Marquis, Christopher; Yin, Juelin; Yang, Dongning. “State-mediated Globalization Processes and the Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China ” Management and Organization Review . 13.1 (2017): 167-191
Zhang, Jianjun; Marquis, Christopher; Qiao, Kunyuan. “Do Political Connections Buffer Firms from or Bind Firms to the Government? A Study of Corporate Charitable Donations of Chinese Firms ” Organization Science . 27.5 (2016): 1307 – 1324
Marquis, Christopher; Tilcsik, András. “Institutional Equivalence: How Industry and Community Peers Influence Corporate Philanthropy ” Organization Science . 27.5 (2016): 1325-1341
Luo, Xiaowei; Zhang, Jianjun; Marquis, Christopher. “Mobilization in the Internet Age: Internet Activism and Corporate Response ” Academy of Management Journal . 59.6 (2016): 2045-2068
Marquis, Christopher; Toffel, Michael; Zhou, Yanhua. “Scrutiny, Norms, and Selective Disclosure: A Global Study of Greenwashing ” Organization Science . 27.2 (2016): 483 – 504
Dickinson, Janis; McLeod, Poppy; Bloomfield, Robert; Allred, Shorna. “Which Moral Foundations Predict Willingness to Make Lifestyle Changes to Avert Climate Change in the USA? ” PLoS ONE . 11.10 (2016)
Smith, Isaac; Seawright, Kristie. “Social Innovation Through Development Franchising: Compensating for a Lack of Entrepreneurial Expertise and Connecting to Formal Supply Chains ” The Business of Social and Environmental Innovation: New Frontiers in Africa , Ed. Verena Bitzer, Ed. Ralph Hamann, Ed. Martin Hall, Ed. Eliada Griffen-EL. Springer International. (2015): 49-62
Marquis, Christopher; Jackson, Susan; Li, Yuan. “Building Sustainable Organizations in China ” Management and Organization Review . 11.3 (2015): 427-440
Darnall, Nicole; Milstein, Mark. “Can Eco-Standards and Certification Create Competitive Advantage for a Luxury Resort? ” Sustainability, Social Responsibility, and Innovations in Tourism and Hospitality , Ed. H. Parsa, Ed. Vijaya (Vi) Narapareddy, Ed. SooCheong Jang, Ed. Marival Segarra-Ona, Ed. Rachel Chen. Apple Academic and CRC Press. (2015): 1-1
Lewis, Ben; Walls, Judith; Dowell, Glen. “Difference in Degrees: CEO Characteristics and Firm Environmental Disclosure ” Strategic Management Journal . 35.5 (2014): 712-722
Marquis, Christopher; Qian, Cuili. “Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China: Symbol or Substance? ” Organization Science . 25.1 (2014): 127-148
Marquis, Christopher; Park, Andrew. “Inside the Buy-One Give-One Model ” Stanford Social Innovation Review . 12.1 (2014): 28-33
Sullivan, Bilian; Tang, Yi; Marquis, Christopher. “Persistently Learning: How Small-World Network Imprints Affect Subsequent Firm Learning ” Strategic Organization . 12.3 (2014): 180-199
Simanis, Erik; Duke, Duncan. “Profits at the Bottom of the Pyramid ” Harvard Business Review . (2014)
Dawande, Milind; Gavirneni, Nagesh; Mehrotra, Mili; Mookerjee, Vijay. “Efficient Distribution of Water Between Head-Reach and Tail-End Farms in Developing Countries ” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management . 15.2 (2013): 221-238
Doshi, Anil; Dowell, Glen; Toffel, Michael. “How Firms Respond to Mandatory Information Disclosure ” Strategic Management Journal . 34.10 (2013): 1209-1231
Tata, Ratan; Hart, Stuart; Sharma, Aarti; Sarkar, Christian. “Why making money is not enough ” MIT Sloan Management Review . 54.4 (2013): 95-96
Marquis, Christopher; Zhang, Hongyu; Zhou, Lizuan. “China’s Quest to Adopt Electric Vehicles ” Stanford Social Innovation Review . 11.2 (2013): 52-57
Marquis, Christopher; Davis, Gerald; Glynn, Mary. “Golfing Alone? Corporations, Elites, and Nonprofit Growth in 100 American Communities ” Organization Science . 24.1 (2013): 39-57
Marquis, Christopher; Tilcsik, András. “Imprinting: Toward a Multilevel Theory ” The Academy of Management Annals . 7.1 (2013): 195-245
Tilcsik, András; Marquis, Christopher. “Punctuated Generosity: How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in U.S. Communities ” Administrative Science Quarterly . 58.1 (2013): 111-148
Marquis, Christopher; Lee, Matthew. “Who is governing whom? Executives, governance, and the structure of generosity in large U.S. firms ” Strategic Management Journal . 34.4 (2013): 483-497
Simanis, Erik. “Bringing Bottom of the Pyramid into Business Focus ” Reducing Inequalities: A Sustainable Development Challenge (A Planet for Life) , Ed. R. Genevey, Ed. R. Pachauri, Ed. R. Tubiana. The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI. (2013)
Berchicci, Luca; Dowell, Glen; King, Andrew. “Environmental Capabilities and Corporate Strategy: Exploring Acquisitions Among US Manufacturing Firms ” Strategic Management Journal . 33.9 (2012): 1053-1071
Hart, Stuart. “The third generation corporation ” Oxford Handbook of Business and the Environment , Ed. A Hoffman, Ed. P Bansal. Oxford University Press. (2012): 624
Marquis, Christopher; Guthrie, Doug; Almandoz, Juan. “State Activism and the Hidden Incentives Behind Bank Acquisitions ” Social Science Research . 41.1 (2012): 130-145
Simanis, Erik; Milstein, Mark. “Back to Business Fundamentals: Making ‘Bottom of the Pyramid’ Relevant to Core Business ” Field Actions Science Reports , Ed. Philippe Kourilsky. Special Issue 4 (2012)
Simanis, Erik. “Reality Check at the Bottom of the Pyramid ” Harvard Business Review . 90.6 (2012): 120-125
Dowell, Glen; Lewis, Ben. “The Effect of Technology Type on the Adoption and Effectiveness of Global Environmental Standards ” Enhancing Global Competitiveness Through Sustainable Environmental Stewardship , Ed. Subhash Jain, Ed. Ben Kedia. Edward Elgar Publishing. (2011): 109-128
Hart, Stuart; Dowell, Glen. “A Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm: Fifteen Years After ” Journal of Management . 37.5 (2011): 1464-1479
Marquis, Christopher; Lounsbury, Michael; Greenwood, Royston. “Communities and Organizations ” Communities and Organizations (Research in the Sociology of Organizations) , Ed. Chris Marquis, Ed. Michael Lounsbury, Ed. Royston Greenwood. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 33 (2011)
Marquis, Christopher; Huang, Zhi. “Explaining the Loss of Community: Competing Logics and Institutional Change in the U.S. Banking Industry ” Communities and Organizations (Research in the Sociology of Organizations) , Ed. Chris Marquis, Ed. Michael Lounsbury, Ed. Royston Greenwood. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 33 (2011): 177-213
Marquis, Christopher; Zhang, Jianjun; Zhou, Yanhua. “Regulatory Uncertainty and Corporate Responses to Environmental Protection in China ” California Management Review . 54.1 (2011): 39-63
Keatinge, J.; Gomez, Miguel; Barrett, Christopher; Buck, Louise; De Groote, Hugo; Ferris, Shaun; Gao, H; McCullough, Ellen; Miller, Dennis; Outhred, Hugh; Pell, Alice; Reardon, Thomas; Retnanestri, Maria; Ruben, Ruerd; Struebi, Patrick; Swinnen, Johan; Touesnard, Monica; Weinberger, Katinka; Keatinge, J.; Milstein, Mark; Yang, Ray-yu. “Research Principles for Developing Country Food Value Chains ” Science . 332.6034 (2011): 1154-1155
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Hart, Stuart. “Taking the green leap to the base of the pyramid ” Next-Generation Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid: New Approaches to Building Mutual Value , Ed. T London, Ed. S Hart. Wharton School Publishing. (2010): 288
Marquis, Christopher; Huang, Zhi. “Acquisitions as Exaptation: The Legacy of Founding Institutions in the U.S. Commercial Banking Industry ” Academy of Management Journal . 53.6 (2010): 1441-1473
Simanis, Erik. “Needs, Needs Everywhere, but Not a BOP Market to Tap ” Next Generation Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid: New Approaches for Building Mutual Value , Ed. Ted London, Ed. Stuart Hart. FT Press. (2010): 103-128
Zollo, M.; Minoja, M.; Casanova, Lourdes; Hockerts, K.; Neergaard, P.; Schneider, S.; Tencati, A. “Towards an Internal Change Management Perspective of CSR: Evidence from Project RESPONSE on the Sources of Cognitive Alignment between Managers and Their Stakeholders, and Their Implications for Social Performance ” Corporate Governance . 9.4 (2009): 355-372
Kish-Gephart, Jennifer; Detert, James; Trevino, Linda; Edmondson, Amy. “Silenced by Fear: Psychological, Social, and Evolutional Drivers of Voice Behavior at Work ” Research in Organizational Behavior . 29 (2009): 163-193
Simanis, Erik; Hart, Stuart. “Innovation from the inside out ” Sloan Management Review . 50.4 (2009): 77
Marquis, Christopher; Battilana, Julie. “Acting Globally but Thinking Locally? The Enduring Influence of Local Communities on Organizations ” Research in Organizational Behavior . 29 (2009): 283-302
Marquis, Christopher; Davis, Gerald. “Organizational Mechanisms Underlying Positive Community Identity and Reputation ” Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation , Ed. Laura Roberts, Ed. Jane Dutton. Taylor & Francis Group. (2009): 461-473
Marquis, Christopher; Huang, Zhi. “The Contingent Nature of Public Policy and the Growth of U.S. Commercial Banking ” Academy of Management Journal . 52.6 (2009): 1222-1246
Milstein, Mark. “Jane Clough-Riquelme and Nora Bringas Rábago: Equity and Sustainable Development: Reflections from the U.S.-Mexico Border ” Administrative Science Quarterly . Cornell University. 54.1 (2009): 179-181
Sine, Wesley; Lee, Brandon. “Tilting at Windmills? The Environmental Movement and the Emergence of the U.S. Wind Energy Sector ” Administrative Science Quarterly . 54.1 (2009): 123-155
Detert, James; Trevino, Linda; Sweitzer, Vicki. “Moral Disengagement in Ethical Decision Making: A Study of Antecedents and Outcomes ” Journal of Applied Psychology . 93.2 (2008): 374-391
Frank, Robert. “Should Public Policy Respond to Positional Externalities? ” Journal of Public Economics . 92.8-9 (2008): 1777-1786
Hart, Stuart; Touesnard, Monica. “Back to the Future: Integrating Sustainability into Credit Union Strategy “. Filenes Research Institute. (2008): 71
Simanis, Erik; Hart, Stuart; Duke, Duncan. “The Base of the Pyramid Protocol: Beyond ‘basic needs’ business strategies ” Innovations . 3.1 (2008): 57-83
Iankova, Elena. “From Corporate Paternalism to Corporate Social Responsibility in Post-Communist Europe ” Journal of Corporate Citizenship . 29 (2008): 75-89
Milstein, Mark; Simanis, Erik; Duke, Duncan; Hart, Stuart. “Base of the Pyramid Models ” The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility , Ed. Wayne Visser, Ed. Dirk Matten, Ed. Monfred Pohl, Ed. Nick Tolhurst. John Wiley & Sons. (2008): 40-43
Milstein, Mark; Simanis, Erik; Duke, Duncan; Hart, Stuart. “Poverty ” The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility , Ed. Wayne Visser, Ed. Dirk Matten, Ed. Monfred Pohl, Ed. Nick Tolhurst. John Wiley & Sons. (2008): 368-373
Lewis, Ben; Walls, Judith; Dowell, Glen. “Difference in Degrees: CEO Characteristics and Firm Environmental Disclosure ” Strategic Management Journal . 35.5 (2014): 712-722
Marquis, Christopher; Qian, Cuili. “Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China: Symbol or Substance? ” Organization Science . 25.1 (2014): 127-148
Marquis, Christopher; Park, Andrew. “Inside the Buy-One Give-One Model ” Stanford Social Innovation Review . 12.1 (2014): 28-33
Sullivan, Bilian; Tang, Yi; Marquis, Christopher. “Persistently Learning: How Small-World Network Imprints Affect Subsequent Firm Learning ” Strategic Organization . 12.3 (2014): 180-199
Simanis, Erik; Duke, Duncan. “Profits at the Bottom of the Pyramid ” Harvard Business Review . (2014)
Frank, Robert. “Should Gas Taxes Be Raised To Encourage Energy Conservation?” Congressional Quarterly Researcher . 16.19 (2006): 449
Simanis, Erik; Hart, Stuart. “Expanding the possibilities at the base of the pyramid ” Innovations . 1.1 (2006): 43-51
Hart, Stuart. “Worlds in collision ” Journal of Organizational Excellence . 25.3 (2006): 13-25
Khurana, Rakesh; Marquis, Christopher. “Diagnosing and Dissolving Our ‘Translation Gap’ ” Journal of Management Inquiry . 15.4 (2006): 406-409
Mizruchi, Mark; Marquis, Christopher. “Egocentric, Sociocentric, or Dyadic? Identifying the Appropriate Level of Analysis in the Study of Organizational Networks ” Social Networks . 28.3 (2006): 187-208
Mizruchi, Mark; Brewster Stearns, Linda; Marquis, Christopher. “The Conditional Nature of Embeddedness: Borrowing by Large U.S. Firms, 1973-1994 ” American Sociological Review . 71.2 (2006): 406-409
Anderson, Peter; Blatt, Ruth; Christianson, Marlys; Grant, Adam; Marquis, Christopher; Newman, Eric; Sonenshein, Scott; Sutcliffe, Kathleen. “Understanding Mechanisms in Organizational Research ” Journal of Management Inquiry . 15.2 (2006): 102-113
Radcliffe, Dana. “Achieving Ethical Clarity Through Dialogue” Cornell Enterprise . Cornell University. (2006)
Frank, Robert. “Altruists with Green Beards: Still Kicking? ” Analyse Und Kritik . 27.1 (2005): 85-96
Hart, Stuart. “Beyond Development: Embracing the base of the pyramid ” The Accountable Corporation: Corporate Social Responsibility , Ed. M. Epstein, Ed. K. Hanson. Praeger. 3 (2005)
Hart, Stuart. “Capitalism at the crossroads : the unlimited business opportunities in solving the world’s most difficult problems “. Wharton School Publishing. (2005): 288
Hart, Stuart; London, Ted. “Developing Native Capability: What multinational corporations can learn from the base of the pyramid” Stanford Social Innovation Review . Stanford Graduate School of Business. 3.2 (2005): 28-33
Wheeler, David; Zohar, Asaf; Hart, Stuart. “Educating senior executives in a novel strategic paradigm: Early experience of the Sustainable Enterprise Academy ” Business Strategy and the Environment . 14.3 (2005): 172-185
Hart, Stuart. “Innovation, Creative Destruction and Sustainability ” Research Technology Management . 48.5 (2005): 21-27
Hart, Stuart. “Third-Sector Development: Making up for the Market ” The Eco Guide to Careers that Make a Difference . Cornell University. 49.4 (2005): 665-666
Marquis, Christopher; Mizruchi, Mark. “Banks ” International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology , Ed. Jens Bckert, Ed. Milan Zafirovski. Routledge. (2005): 20-22
Glynn, Mary; Marquis, Christopher. “How Institutional Norms and Individual Preferences Legitimate Organizational Names ” Artifacts and Organizations: Beyond Mere Symbolism , Ed. Anat Rafaeli, Ed. Michael Pratt. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.. (2005): 223-239
Marquis, Christopher; Mizruchi, Mark. “Interlocking Directorates ” International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology , Ed. Jens Bckert, Ed. Milan Zafirovski. Routledge. (2005): 375-377
Davis, Gerald; Marquis, Christopher. “Prospects for Organizational Theory in the Early 21st Century: Institutional Fields and Mechanisms ” Organization Science . 16.4 (2005): 332-343
Marquis, Christopher. “Review of Nonprofit Trusteeship in Different Contexts by Rikki Abzug and Jeffrey S. Simonoff ” Administrative Science Quarterly . 50.2 (2005): 314-317
Marquis, Christopher; Davis, Gerald. “The Globalization of Stock Markets and Convergence in Corporate Governance ” The Economic Sociology of Capitalism , Ed. Victor Nee, Ed. Richard Swedberg. Princeton University Press. (2005)
Sine, Wesley; Haveman, Heather; Tolbert, Pamela. “Risky Business? Entrepreneurship in the New Independent-Power Sector ” Administrative Science Quarterly . 50.2 (2005): 200-232
Hart, Stuart; Sharma, Sanjay. “Engaging fringe stakeholders for competitive imagination ” Academy of Management Executive . 18.1 (2004): 7-18
Hart, Stuart. “Greening of business ” The Eco Guide to Careers that Make a Difference , Ed. The Environmental Careers Organization. Island Press. (2004): 300-317
Ricart, Joan; Enright, Michael; Ghemawat, Pankaj; Hart, Stuart; Khanna, Tarun. “New Frontiers in International Strategy ” Journal of International Business Studies . 35.3 (2004): 175-200
London, Ted; Hart, Stuart. “Reinventing strategies for emerging markets: beyond the transnational model ” Journal of International Business Studies . 35.5 (2004): 350-370
Marquis, Christopher; Glynn, Mary. “When Good Names Go Bad: Organizational Illegitimacy, and the Dotcom Collapse ” Legitimacy Processs in Organizations, Volume 22 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations) , Ed. Cathryn Johnson. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 22 (2004)
Hart, Stuart; Sastry, Anjali. “Changing shades of green: Coupling and Decoupling in Monsanto’s Environmental Orientations, 1991-1997 ” Organizations, Policy, and the Natural Environment: Institutional and Strategic Perspectives , Ed. Andrew Hoffman, Ed. Marc Ventresca. Stanford Business Books. (2002): 262-290
Hart, Stuart; Prahalad, C.K. “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid ” Strategy+Business . 26 (2002): 54-67
Hart, Stuart; Christensen, Clayton. “The Great Leap: Driving Innovation from the Base of the Pyramid ” Sloan Management Review . 44 (2002): 51-56
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