Center for Innovative Hospitality Labor and Employment Relations

News, updates, and insights about the modernization of hospitality industry labor and management relations.


CIHLER Associate Director Quoted in TIME

Time magazine’s analysis of the NLRB ruling included a comment from Richard Hurd, professor and associate dean for external relations at the ILR School, and associate director of the center. The […]


Chicago Regional Roundtable Covers Critical Issues

CIHLER member Jones Day hosted the spring semester Chicago Regional Roundtable, which brought together some 20 representatives of management and labor, including vice presidents, owners, and corporate counsel. Participants examined key […]

Regional Roundtable

The Cornell Institute for Hospitality Labor and Employment Relations held its first Regional Area Roundtable on May 18, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. The event was hosted by the institute’s partners—Michael […]

CIHLER Conference Participation

In addition to sponsoring events, CIHLER’s presence is also spread wide and can be seen in its outreach to industry events. Most recently these outreach activities included: CIHLER Associate Director […]


Students Attend Open House

As part of the effort to connect students with the many opportunities offered by the School of Hotel Administration, the school’s Centers and Institutes hosted an open house fair early […]

Christopher Boone

CIHLER Welcomes Two New Faculty Members

Sean Rogers and Christopher Boone have joined the faculty of the School of Hotel Administration, in the area of employment relations, human resources, and law. A graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical […]


Hotel Students Conduct Labor Relations Roundtable

Students in the senior-level class on labor relations developed and conducted an industry roundtable addressing issues relating to labor and management relations in the hospitality industry. With CIHLER’s support, Cornell students […]

CHILER Roundtable Investigates Joint Employer Issues

The recent so-called “joint employer” ruling has created a human resources earthquake for franchisors and companies that lease employees. The NLRB’s ruling that Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI) employees were joint employees […]