Roy H. Park Fellowship

Read more about our Park Fellows and the overall impact of this program housed at the Samuel Curtis Johnson School of Business.

Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Lessons beyond Sage Hall

For me, it took stepping away from Sage Hall to truly appreciate what I have learned there. I spent the summer working in hospital administration at a children’s hospital in Utah and am completing my Park project with a local non-profit.

Photo of Max and his family standing outside
Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Yes, parenting while in business school is possible

I speak to many prospective applicants with families who question if an MBA is a right fit for them. Here’s why an MBA is absolutely the right option and why Johnson is the perfect place for parents.

Photo of students with Anderson Cooper with a ROMBA backdrop
Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Becoming the LGBTQ leader and role model I wanted to be (and maybe never had)

Accepting my status and membership as part of the LGBTQ community has made me a more compassionate, more resilient, and more passionate leader. Here are some lessons I learned along the way.

Photo of Matt and two others standing outside of Tesla in a parking lot
Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Finding balance and setting goals

After my first semester, I’m now actively defining and finding what balance means to me. With that lesson in mind and the progress made thus far in tow, I established new goals for the spring semester.

Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Core semester? It’s like drinking from a firehose.

A popular cliché around Sage Hall during the core classes term is that the onslaught of new classroom content, recruitment activities, and social events is like “drinking from a firehose.”

Photo of Michael Murray, Two-Year MBA, in Afghanistan
Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Growing personally while starting over professionally

Deciding to change your career is never an easy one, and it wasn’t for me either. I wanted to have more control over my future and eventually settle down and have a family.

Photo of Brian Guo and some of his Park classmates
Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Celebrating 20 years of the Park Leadership Fellowship

Johnson Park Leadership Fellows from the last 20 years descended upon New York City to see familiar faces and recount stories of their MBA experiences.

Photo of Donnie Hampton and teammates at the fintech hackathon
Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Beyond the classroom with hackathons and startups

Learning what it takes to start a company seemed to be a great path in learning how to help existing companies become even better.

Photo of Hannah Cohn and Hannah Zweifler, Park Leadership Fellows in the Class of 2018
Johnson BusinessFeed

Park Perspectives: Mastering influence in our summer internships

“Tell me about a time you influenced others.” It’s a classic MBA internship interview question—here’s how we prepared and practiced this summer.