Cornell Institute for Food and Beverage Management
Stories and updates related to the advancement of the food and beverage industry through teaching, research, and engagement.

Post-2020 Food and Beverage: Rebuilding an Embattled Industry
Experts joined Lilly Jan, Ph.D. to discuss problems and possible improvements in the food and beverage industry following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Choice: Industry Leaders Envision the Future of Food & Beverage
Daniella Senior and Elizabeth Tilton joined Lilly Jan to discuss ongoing strategies for improving the culture of the food and beverage industry.

Re-Electrified After Circuit Breaker: Singapore’s Restaurant Recovery
SHA Lecturer Lilly Jan, discusses Singapore’s restaurant recovery with chef-owners Travis Masiero ’03 and Ivan Brehm.

Alumni Mark and Brian Canlis Pivot During a Pandemic and Flourish
Canlis restaurant owners practice flexibility to thrive and flourish during pandemic.

Roundtable Recap: Sustainability in the era of COVID-19
Participants from around the world gathered virtually for the Center for Hospitality Research’s 11th Annual Sustainability Roundtable to discuss sustainability in the era of COVID-19.

The new dining reality: Shorter menus, quicker meals — and ugly-delicious dishes
The pandemic is “an opportunity for restaurants to improve labor relations — pay more to staff — and try to renegotiate the fundamental elements of their business,” says Professor Alex Susskind.

Hotel Ezra Cornell Sponsors Virtual Conference on “Prioritizing People Over Dollars”
Industry leaders partnered with academic scholars to discuss people over dollars: prioritizing people-oriented solutions in a business landscape.

How two restaurants have survived Covid-19. So far.
Professor Alex Susskind says fine-dining establishments have had to rethink their entire business during the pandemic.

Noteworthy: SHA Career Management and Centers & Institutes reinstate internship program
The C&I Internship Program helps students find internships in the hospitality industry.