Eudes Lopes, MA ’16 & PhD candidate (A&S), EMI contributor

Eudes Lopes, MA ’16 (A&S) is PhD candidate in Cornell’s College of Arts and Sciences Department of Anthropology. His research examines how different currents of economic thought are contested on behalf of evolving state-market arrangements. Eudes holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.

Compass rose illustration
Johnson BusinessFeed

EMI at the crossroads: Crisis, contagion, and community

The crisis, the specter of contagion, invited us to think anew and act boldly and bravely, with the imaginative work ahead. Let us emerge.

People stand in front of a presentation
Johnson BusinessFeed

2018 Emerging Market Multinationals Report: Emerging Markets Reshaping Globalization

Emerging Markets Institute contributor Eudes Lopes summarizes the 2018 report, which reflects on the growing governance role of the E20.

Conference attendees
Johnson BusinessFeed

Emerging Markets Reshaping Globalization annual conference recap

EMI’s 2018 conference speakers see emerging markets as a bulwark for the international economic system in this era of trade wars and protectionism.