Featured Stories

Image of a woman's hand using a phone in front of a computer with financial rankings.
Nolan BusinessFeed

Going Down: Drop In Rankings Matters More Than A Rise

People love rankings, but do they really mean that much? Sometimes they do, according to new Cornell research.

Jamie Kim repping her products at a food industry trade show.
Nolan BusinessFeed

Hotelie’s Granola Goes from Dorm Delicacy to Grocery Staple

Infused with novel flavors—including rosemary, matcha, chai, and even black truffle—the brand is a hit at Whole Foods and beyond.

Image of Nina Bachich in a wheelchair during one of her travels.
Nolan BusinessFeed

I’m a Wheelchair User—and Despite the Obstacles, I Love to Travel

Navigating the world with a spinal cord injury has given me a distinct perspective on my chosen field: hospitality.

Touchdown the Bear with a Class of 2028 Cornell t-shirt
Dyson BusinessFeed

Class of ’28 Changemakers Are Ready To Start

Paths of the 3,574 students in the incoming class – including farmers, artists, inventors, entrepreneurs, athletes and altruists – converge in Ithaca.

Office setting with four women collaborating.
Nolan BusinessFeed

Manager Visits Heighten Workers’ Motivation, Productivity

When a company’s “big boss” pays a visit to observe and connect with workers on the front lines, research shows it leads to increased productivity.

Illustration of a human head with gears
Johnson BusinessFeed

The ‘Knowledge Curse’: More Isn’t Necessarily Better

Can an increase in knowledge ever be a bad thing? Yes, says economics professor Kaushik Basu and a colleague.

Image of Jonathan Tamayo ’08 in a casino after winning the World Series of Poker
Nolan BusinessFeed

Hotelie Wins Poker’s Shiniest Crown

It’s actually a bejeweled bracelet—and Jonathan Tamayo ’08 earned it in July, when he became the game’s 2024 world champ

Image of Emily Garbinsky outside Sage Hall
Johnson BusinessFeed

Acceptance Seen as a Key to ‘Financial Mindfulness’

Products and services alluding to financial mindfulness abound, but what exactly are they promising?

A glowing brain model
Johnson BusinessFeed

Cornell Keynotes Podcast: Mid-Year Trends in Generative AI Tech

Karan Girotra, professor at the SC Johnson College and Cornell Tech, shares a mid-year AI trends update on the Cornell Keynotes podcast.