Sarah Baturka ’20

Sarah Elizabeth Baturka is from Philadelphia and worked as a visitor service concierge for the city’s official tourist center after her freshman year. After her sophomore year, she was a management intern for The Bay Club Company in San Francisco. Last summer, Baturka interned in fan services with The Philadelphia Eagles. Upon graduation, she will be a manager-in-training with The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. A recruited athlete for the Cornell varsity women’s swim team, Baturka is also a Hotel School ambassador and a teaching assistant. Recently she was named co-chair of the Cornell 2020 Senior Class Campaign.

Class of ILR and SHA students listen to an arbitration case
Nolan BusinessFeed

Real life TV: SHA and ILR students reflect on employment arbitrations

Students visited New York City to observe employment arbitration and gained valuable insight into the legal system.