Freedom of Expression and the Marketplace of Ideas

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Cornell President Martha E. Pollack has declared Freedom of Expression to be this year’s university theme. This charge is meant to prompt exploration and practice, provide “opportunities for the development of skills essential for effective participation in democracy: from active listening and leading controversial discussions – as well as managing one’s responses to controversial interactions – to leading effective advocacy.”

marketplace of ideas

The SC Johnson College of Business supports this important theme with a yearlong program dedicated to The Marketplace of Ideas: The Value of Free Exchange. This represents the unreserved sharing of thoughts, perspectives, designs, suggestions, criticisms, vision, and discoveries. Intimidation, marginalization, purposeful misrepresentation, censorship, or fear of violence do not allow for a well-functioning marketplace. Any well-functioning marketplace requires mutual understanding, active debate, and free exchange of information.

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The 2024 Durland Lecture

On March 25, SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce and SC Johnson College Dean Andrew Karolyi shared informed, and sometimes opposed, perspectives on  finance and market regulation. Watch the full 2024 Durland Lecture on the eCornell Keynotes platform.

2023-2024 Marketplace of Ideas Events