Environmental Finance and Impact Investing (EFII) Fellows Program

This program aims to train Johnson students for emerging opportunities at the intersection of sustainability and finance (including project finance) that addresses climate change, ecosystem services, and poverty alleviation. Through a series of courses, coupled with an applied capstone project, EFII Fellows are trained to invest in, manage, or regulate businesses or projects seeking financial, environmental, and/or social goals. Fellows gain experience in a range of topics, including finance and analytics, markets and regulation, science and technology, and sustainability. In addition, they are required to engage in professional learning opportunities that include internships and hands-on, applied projects with investors, industry, government, and the NGO community.

EFII Fellows candidates are competitively selected from our full-time residential MBA programs via an application process during their first semester at Johnson. Selection is based on academic performance, as well as career interests.

Read about some of the EFII fellows’ experiences here:

The EFII Fellows program will provide you with the tools to change the way we do business, we consume, and we live on Earth. Beyond showing me how to integrate sustainability in the CFO office, the EFII program has been a transformative experience for me and my whole family. I found a position as Head of Sustainability in a publicly-traded energy company, we became vegetarian, and we moved toward an almost zero-waste lifestyle.

Pierre-Henri D'haene, MBA ‘21

What I appreciated most about the EFII Fellows program was that I was able to shape it to suit my specific interests. From researching investments for racial equity for the capstone project to pitching a waste-to-value startup at the MIINT competition, the program positioned me well for success as a strong professional trained in both finance and sustainability.

Sanchita Mehrotra MBA ‘21