EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership
Discover more about this dual degree program, including faculty research, student profiles, and more.

Completing an MBA While Working Full-Time Prepares You for Leadership
Explore tips for pursuing an MBA while working full-time. Discover how working professionals can leverage their current positions to transition into new roles.

Ethical Depth: The Cure for Today’s Medical Industry
A new Johnson School paper explores why doctors may fall prey to conflicts of interest and proposes a new approach called “deep professionalism.”

The Financial Times Ranks Cornell University’s Johnson School 6th Place Among Top U.S. MBA Programs
Faculty research accounted for 10% of the Financial Times MBA ranking with Cornell Johnson placing #7.

Building New Healthcare Partnerships: A Q&A with Durward Rackleff, EMBA/MS ’23
Career Corner: Healthcare expert Durward Rackleff pivoted from leading large quality improvement programs to promoting healthcare transformation.

From Capital Project Owner to Consultant: A Q&A with Liezl Diaz, EMBA/MS ’21
Career Corner: Architect Liezl Diaz pivoted from managing capital projects for a healthcare provider to consulting for healthcare capital projects.

Nichele Nivens, MBA/MS ’24, Plans Startup to Help Expectant Moms
Nichele Nivens, MD, is developing a startup, Mom Majesty, that will help more women experience the support a doula can offer.

EMBA Spotlight: How Cornell Johnson’s Program Is Uniquely Suited To The Moment
Cornell’s pioneering distributed classrooms defined distance learning years before Zoom became part of the business school lexicon.

Covid-19 Accelerated the Adoption of Telehealth: ls it here to stay?
Cornell MBAs, physicians, and faculty weigh in on telehealth’s benefits to patients, obstacles to widespread adoption, and projections for its future.

Brazil’s healthcare system: A slow march towards progress
Nick Mitilenes MBA/MS ’21 analyzes Brazil’s possibility of overcoming the challenges presented by constitutionally mandated healthcare.