Accounting, Economics & Finance

Sharing stories related to our industry expertise in accounting, economics, and finance.

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Johnson BusinessFeed

Market Manipulation Chatter Rises as Digital Art Scene Explodes

“Fraud detection is hard,” Professor William Cong tells Bloomberg. “Even if they are all non-fungible, they’re still anonymous and it would be hard to track down market manipulators.”

photo of a crocheted social robot that looks like a cat sitting in an engineering fabrication workshop
Johnson BusinessFeed

MBAs launch high-growth startups in deep tech through radical collaboration

Big Red Tech Strategy partners MBAs with Cornell Engineering Commercialization Fellows to launch businesses based on their technological innovations.

Illustration of mobile money transfer from one person to another
Johnson BusinessFeed

Fintech Trends: The Year Ahead

Scholars at the SC Johnson College of Business were joined by industry experts in a discussion that highlights current and upcoming fintech trends.

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Nolan BusinessFeed

Airbnb’s IPO filing proves how little it needs to advertise

Professor Chekitan Dev discusses the strength and power of Airbnb in the new world of hospitality and hotels.

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Johnson BusinessFeed

The 25 best MBA programs in the world for a career in finance

In this business school analysis, Johnson is in the top 10 for best MBA programs for a career in finance.

Johnson BusinessFeed

Moody’s, Fiserv named inaugural sponsors of Fintech at Cornell initiative

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business is pleased to announce that Moody’s Inc. and Fiserv will serve as the inaugural sponsors of Fintech at Cornell.

Group photo of Cornell Blockchain members cheering and standing behind the Nasdaq podium at the opening bell, with Cornell Blockchain on the wall behind them and on the podium in front of them
Nolan BusinessFeed

How two curious and technologically savvy SHA students forged Cornell Blockchain

SHA’s entrepreneurial bent and a fascination with Bitcoin led a pair of Hotelies to found a university-wide blockchain club for undergraduates.

graphic on red background depicting computer monitors, dollar signs, and connectivity symbols
Johnson BusinessFeed

Johnson offers new courses in fintech, digital business, and leadership

Johnson faculty created new courses designed to equip future business leaders with strategic, targeted analytical and leadership skills.

photo of Robert H. Frank
Johnson BusinessFeed

Bob Frank’s legacy as a teacher, behavioral economist, economic naturalist, and author

Robert H. Frank, Cornell professor of economics since 1972, champion of behavioral economics, and widely published author, retired July 1, 2020.