Policy & Advocacy
The latest news related to our transformative work in policy and advocacy across sectors and industries.

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- Policy & Advocacy
John S. Dyson ’65 Honored with Second Annual Dyson Alumni Leadership Award
John Dyson ’65 is a leader in finance, energy policy, and economic development, from founding a private investment firm to pioneering sustainable winemaking.

Ethical Depth: The Cure for Today’s Medical Industry
A new Johnson School paper explores why doctors may fall prey to conflicts of interest and proposes a new approach called “deep professionalism.”

So You Want to Join a Board … Are You Ready?
Career Corner: Assessing your readiness means asking if you have the right qualifications and whether you’re prepared to make a sustained commitment.

Fisk Johnson Supports Plastic Regulation to Help Curb Global Plastic Pollution
Addressing the global impact of plastic waste pollution, Cornellian Fisk Johnson, CEO of SC Johnson, spoke in favor of plastic waste regulation.

John Marks: The Evolution of an Optimist
Search for Common Ground founder John Marks ’65 discussed his work and book, From Vision to Action, with Dean Andrew Karolyi.

Small stock trades can predict big market changes
Using a metric developed by a research team led by Maureen O’Hara, professor at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, it was determined that fractional trading is predictive of future market liquidity and volatility.

Properly fitting face masks can help block particulate pollution
Research co-authored by Dyson Dean Jinhua Zhao provides new findings about the value of masks that fit snugly around the face and how human behavior affects their efficacy.

No, China Is Not Buying Up All US Farmland
Research coauthored by Dyson’s Wendong Zhang shows federally classified “adversary” countries held only 1% of foreign-owned farmland as of 2020.

Former Colombian President Tells Grads to Tackle ‘Liberty Deficit’
Iván Duque, president of Colombia 2018-22, spoke at the Emerging Markets Institute fellows graduation ceremony May 24 in Sage Hall.