Policy & Advocacy
The latest news related to our transformative work in policy and advocacy across sectors and industries.

Contemporary Challenges in Affordable Housing: Addressing current issues with innovative solutions
The Center for Real Estate and Finance brought together leaders in development, preservation, financing, and policy within affordable housing in a dynamic exchange of ideas about modern-day challenges and solutions.

Beyond the Present: A Journey to Identify Future Risks Imperiling Humanity
Marcus Lee, MBA ’24, describes his internship at Quantum Risk Analytics, a nonprofit that aims to steer humanity away from unseen perils.

Persistent questioning of knowledge takes a toll
Dyson Assistant Professor Laura Niemi’s research shows regular exposure to even subtle prejudice and discrimination degrades physical and mental health.

Dyson alumnus Dan Cane ’98 makes it his business to improve lives
Cane established the Cane Entrepreneurship Scholars program at the Dyson School to provide financial support, mentorship and experiential learning opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Worker mobility can impact adoption of new technology
The research team found that increased worker mobility can negatively impact a business’s ability to adopt new technology such as artificial intelligence.

From Students to Eye-Witnesses: Undergrads Reflect on NYC Employment Arbitration
Students recently had the unique opportunity to experience an arbitration first-hand in New York City.

Raising the visibility of antiracist, pro-humanity initiatives
Laillah Rice, MBA ’09, and fellow senior marketers launched the Humanity Lab to support social justice activists and organizations.

Cornell helps forge a new field: finance sustainability
In a climate change issue of the Review of Financial Studies, spearheaded by co-editor Professor Andrew Karolyi, research by Dyson faculty have staked new territory for study: finance sustainability.

How Chinese citizens’ activism curbs pollution
Research by Professor Christopher Marquis finds that, in China, civil protests are more effective than petitions in bringing about environmental reform.