Pillsbury Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship
The latest news from the entrepreneurial hub of the Nolan School.

Alumni Mark and Brian Canlis Pivot During a Pandemic and Flourish
Canlis restaurant owners practice flexibility to thrive and flourish during pandemic.

Roundtable Recap: Sustainability in the era of COVID-19
Participants from around the world gathered virtually for the Center for Hospitality Research’s 11th Annual Sustainability Roundtable to discuss sustainability in the era of COVID-19.

Innovative Tech Platforms Facilitate Better Communication
New tech platforms hope to facilitate communication between employer and employee.

Hotel Ezra Cornell Sponsors Virtual Conference on “Prioritizing People Over Dollars”
Industry leaders partnered with academic scholars to discuss people over dollars: prioritizing people-oriented solutions in a business landscape.

HospitalityVIEW: Evaluating 2020 and Looking Ahead at Hotel Innovation in 2021
Professor Dave Roberts BS ’86, MS ’88 co-authors an article on anticipated hotel innovations in Lodging Magazine.

Hospitality professionals balance robots and human touch for post-COVID-19 era
Hotel industry experts offer insights into the development of automated service innovations in response to customers’ COVID-19 concerns.

Swipe, match, eat: ‘Weet’ pitches better online dating app
A proposed dating app won top prize at this year’s annual Cornell Hospitality Pitch Deck Competition sponsored by SHA’s Pillsbury Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship.

Noteworthy: Innovating for a Post-Pandemic Future
Industry leaders discuss challenges and opportunities facing the hospitality industry in a post-pandemic world.

Noteworthy: SHA Career Management and Centers & Institutes reinstate internship program
The C&I Internship Program helps students find internships in the hospitality industry.