Ted Goldwyn ’90

Setting the Standard in Animal Welfare

Setting the Standard in Animal Welfare

Janet Helms ’88, MBA ’07

Finding Common Ground in Public Service

Finding Common Ground in Public Service

Scott Cameron, MBA ’79, is drawing on four decades of experience in public and private natural resource, energy, and environment management to implement an ambitious change agenda at the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Be My Guest

Be My Guest

Jaydeep “Jay” Anand, MBA ’05

A Voice for Diversity

A Voice for Diversity

Sandra Persing, MBA ’10, fights as a champion for diversity, inclusion, and advancement in the Web developer community.

The Future of Clean Energy: Achieving Resilience
Johnson BusinessFeed

The Future of Clean Energy: Achieving Resilience

With traditional energy prices falling, the renewables sector struggles to remain competitive while maintaining a focus on long-term growth.