The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business brings Cornell’s accounting faculty together into an area that boasts excellent research, strong teaching, and deep engagement with our profession’s practitioners and policymakers. Our faculty conduct cutting-edge research on financial markets and managerial reporting, and Cornell is known as one of the premier locations for applying psychological theory and experimental methods to accounting issues.
Award-winning teachers and textbook authors teach the full span of accounting topics at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including our MPS in Accounting Specialization program. Accounting students and faculty alike combine academic rigor with hands-on experience through connections to fund managers (and the Johnson School’s Parker Center for Investment Research), the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the Big 4 accounting firms, and expertise in many industries, including financial services, technology, and hospitality.
- Sanjeev Bhojraj
- Robert J. Bloomfield
- Yaxuan Chen
- Thomas Godwin
- Nicholas Guest
- Eric Lewis
- Yao Lu
- Mary MacAusland
- Asis Martinez-Jerez
- John McKinley
- Mark W. Nelson
- Kristina Marie Rennekamp
- Mani Sethuraman (on leave)
- Daniel Szpiro
- Emma Wang
- Brian White
- Martin Wiernsperger
- P. Eric Yeung (on leave)
- Xinyu Zhang
Emeriti and Affiliated
- Yoel Beniluz
- Matthew Geiszler
- Robert Libby
- John Little
- Craig Nichols
- Gordon Potter
- Radha Radhakrishna
- Scott D. Stewart
- Robert J. Swieringa