Jura Liaukonyte

Jura Liaukonyte

  • Professor

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Faculty Expertise

  • Quantitative Marketing
  • Economics of Advertising
  • Industrial Organization
  • Food Marketing and Labeling
  • Sustainability


Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management



Cornell Directory Entry


Jurate Liaukonyte's current research interests lie in uncovering actionable marketing insights from Big Data, quantifying the impact of advertising, information, or social media movements on consumer choice, understanding the implications of food labels, and integrating behavioral economics into choice models. Her award-winning work has been published in leading quantitative marketing and economics journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science, and RAND Journal of Economics. Additionally, her research has garnered attention from media outlets like The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, CNN, Bloomberg, and The New York Times.

Liaukonyte holds the role of associate editor of the Journal of Marketing Research and serves on the editorial board for Marketing Science. She is a co-organizer of an international conference on the economics of advertising, which draws researchers working on advertising topics at the intersection of marketing and economics. Liaukonyte teaches courses on the economics of advertising and strategic pricing, as well as a PhD class on quantitative methods. She has received multiple teaching awards, including the recent "50 Best Undergraduate Business School Professors" award by Poets&Quants.

Recent Courses

  • AEM 4550 - Economics of Advertising
  • NBA 6220/NBA 6220 - Marketing Strategy
  • AEM 5550 - Marketing Strategy
  • AEM 4160 - Strategic Pricing

Academic Degrees

  • PhD University of Virginia, 2009
  • MA University of Virginia, 2005
  • BA Vytautas Magnus University, 2003