Tim Bohling

Tim Bohling

  • Visiting Professor of Practice

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Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management


Cornell Directory Entry


Visiting professor of marketing, founder of Bohling Consulting, a brand strategy and digital marketing agency, chief marketing officer, chief communications officer, and chief enrollment officer, recognized for teaching excellence and top-tier research productivity, building and transforming entrepreneurial and multi-billion dollar businesses and institutions, and delivering exceptional and purposeful results in both mature and growth markets. For over two decades, across both industry and academia, significant contributions have been made in teaching and leading marketing, communications, admissions, operations, and strategy functions both domestically and internationally, serving on industry and academic boards, and publishing several research papers in scholarly academic journals.

Recent accomplishments include publishing in the Journal of Marketing Research (2024), receiving multiple teaching excellence awards, including Outstanding Teaching Professor from the University of Notre Dame (2024),James Dincolo Outstanding Professor from the University of Notre Dame (2022),and Favorite Business Professor from Poets and Quants (2021), being awarded multiple teaching innovation grants, including the Procter & Gamble Higher Education Grant (2020, 2021), and the Impact Capital Funds, Inc. Higher Education Grant (2022), and receiving recognition as the AMA Higher Education Marketer of the Year (2021).

Research portfolio is centered on both scholarly rigor and practitioner relevance in areas of digital marketing, brand and customer management, and innovation adoption.

Served as executive board member for the Marketing Science Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bridging the gap between marketing theory and business practice, and a marketing science institute trustee for over 15 years. Invited guest speaker at leading universities and conferences around the world.

In addition to research productivity and teaching excellence, core competencies include launching new programs, products, and services and driving purposeful growth and progress through building, transforming, and elevating teams within the marketing, communications, admissions, strategy, and operations functions

Recent Courses

  • AEM 4410/AEM 5410 - Marketing Research
  • NBA 6930 - Strategy and Tactics of Pricing

Academic Degrees

  • DBA Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, 2012
  • MBA University of Houston, 1993
  • BBA University of Houston, 1991