Olivier Tameze-Rivas, MBA ’20

Olivier Tameze-Rivas, MBA ’20, was born in Cameroon, is a citizen of four countries, and is passionate about the development of frontier and emerging markets. His interests lie between business and geopolitics and he is particularly focused on infrastructure. At Johnson, Olivier served as the Africa Trek chair for the Johnson Africa Business Society and studied investment banking. Prior to business school, he was an analyst at Rialto Capital, a fully integrated real estate investment and asset management firm where he rotated through the joint-venture developments, asset management, and investor relations groups.

African Continental Free-Trade Area logo
Johnson BusinessFeed

Student perspective: One Africa

Olivier Tameze Rivas, MBA ’20, an Emerging Markets Institutes contributor, shares his views about growth possibilities for Africa.

Franc CFA currency
Johnson BusinessFeed

The CFA franc, a modern-day colonial system

Olivier Tameze-Rivas, MBA ’20, reflects on the current state of the CFA franc in Africa in this article for Johnson’s Emerging Markets Institute.