Cornell Enterprise

Johnson School
Profile in Leadership: Greg Galvin, MS ’82, PhD ’84, MBA ’93
Creating Successful High-Tech Startups in Ithaca

Johnson School
The fintech revolution
Disruptive innovation, driven by digital technology, is transforming financial services.

Ag Tech: Feeding the World with Big Data
More than nine billion people will populate the earth by 2050. How will farmers feed them?

Johnson School
The Future of Clean Energy: Achieving Resilience
With traditional energy prices falling, the renewables sector struggles to remain competitive while maintaining a focus on long-term growth.

Bright & Bold
Women MBAs envision the possibilities and make them shine.

Second Opinions Can Make Matters Worse
New research by Sunita Sah finds that second opinions can have complex ramifications on the decision-making process, affecting the quality of the primary advisors’ guidance.