Featured Stories

Johnson School

Boosting mental muscle leads to better performance

A new study from SC Johnson College explores the concept of “cognitive endurance,” defined as the ability to sustain performance in cognitive tasks over time.

A male professional in an office environment thinking
Johnson School

Going Against One’s Better Judgment Amplifies Self-Blame

Researchers found that when people go along with opinions of others, they feel more culpable if things go wrong.

A group of professional men and women engaged in conversation
Johnson School

Understanding Leadership Beyond Titles

“Everybody’s a leader… no matter your role,” Shamis Pitts, MBA ’11, tells New York City alumni.

Two doctors meeting.
Johnson School

Ethical Depth: The Cure for Today’s Medical Industry

A new Johnson School paper explores why doctors may fall prey to conflicts of interest and proposes a new approach called “deep professionalism.”

Sage Hall
Johnson School

The Financial Times Ranks Cornell University’s Johnson School 6th Place Among Top U.S. MBA Programs

Faculty research accounted for 10% of the Financial Times MBA ranking with Cornell Johnson placing #7.

Image of Sunita Sah's new book, Defy: The Power of No in a World That Demands Yes.
Johnson School

New Book Explores the Act of Defiance

Sah has written, “Defy: The Power of No in a World That Demands Yes,” a book that reveals why people need to develop more agency and change the world.

Pile of one hundred dollar bills
Johnson School

Small Firms May Offer Higher Pay Due to a Lack of Market Power

Small companies may post higher wages for entry level positions than large companies – potentially attracting better talent.

Image of a laptop and cellphone displaying data
Johnson School

Learners Apply Data-Driven Marketing Strategies in Cornell Certificate Program

Professor Sachin Gupta explains how to reach outstanding data-driven results in the Demand Marketing online certificate program.

Two male professionals shaking hands
Dyson School

Workers Partner ‘Up’ To Better Themselves, Study Finds

A new study found that people tended to favor higher-paid collaborators – but only when they have superior skills and could teach them something.