John Ninia ’22 (CALS), EMI Research Assistant

John Ninia is an undergraduate research assistant at the Emerging Markets Institute and is majoring in environmental and sustainability sciences. He is working with Lourdes Casanova to conduct research regarding emerging markets’ approach to corporate sustainability. His interests include entrepreneurship, emerging multinationals, and sustainability. John is the VP of finance for the Cornell European Business Society and is also interested in international finance.

City buildings on either side of a main street in Dubai.
Johnson BusinessFeed

Expo 2020 Dubai: Connecting Minds, Creating the Future

EMI research assistant John Ninia ’22 discusses his experience at the World Expo in Dubai.

image of a seedling growing in dirt inside a light bulb

The impact of ESG and corporate culture on company performance

EMI research assistant John Ninia discusses how ESG and corporate culture can have a positive impact on a company’s long-term performance.

illustration depicting two hands holding cell phones with arrows showing a transfer of a dollar from one phone to the other
Johnson BusinessFeed

China’s e-currency is the world’s first sovereign digital currency

China is creating a digital yuan in an attempt to make their currency stronger and more global.

Close up of a person holding a phone that says ecommerce
Johnson BusinessFeed

The impact of e-commerce: China versus the United States

EMI undergrad research assistant explains how Alibaba and Amazon compete with fast shipping and competitive prices to capture global retail.

A laptop computer and a hand holding a credit card
Johnson BusinessFeed

The United States lags behind China in adopting mobile payments

Mobile payments dominate in China. The United States lags behind and remains loyal to traditional payment methods. Will we catch up?

Hong Kong skyline at night
Johnson BusinessFeed

Innovative economies: Has China surpassed the United States?

John Ninia, an undergraduate research assistant for EMI, compares innovation in China and the United States as their economies compete for dominance.

Sunset in the mountain valley.
Johnson BusinessFeed

Is sustainability a major concern for U.S. companies, or is China moving to the fore?

As China and other emerging countries increase efforts in corporate sustainability initiatives, the U.S. may be falling behind, says EMI contributor.