Read about what’s happening within the business-related doctorate programs at SC Johnson College.

Congratulations, Hotel School Class of 2018 graduates!
Graduates of the School of Hotel Administration were celebrated at the Hotel School Graduate Recognition Ceremony and reception on Sunday, May 27, following Cornell’s 150th Commencement. Congratulations to the Class of 2018!

Congratulations, Dyson Class of 2018 graduates!
Graduates of the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management were celebrated at the Dyson Graduate Recognition Ceremony and reception on Saturday, May 26. Congratulations to the Class of 2018!

GRASSHOPR connects Dyson graduate students with K–12 classrooms
This year I’ve been one of the lucky graduate students to participate in GRASSHOPR, which provides a way for Cornell graduate students to share their knowledge with local grade schoolers.

Dyson community celebrates students, faculty, and staff at awards ceremony
Students, faculty, and staff gathered on Friday, April 27, 2018, for an awards ceremony in recognition of some of the many excellent contributions during the 2017–2018 academic year.

Einaudi Center travel grants to send 100 graduate students packing
Four Dyson graduate students have been awarded travel grants from the Mario Einaudi Center including Ali Abbas, who will spend time in Pakistan exploring collusion between citizens and the state in the property tax market.

SMART Program reflections: Mukumu Fresh Produce in Uganda
By the last night of the trip, there was a general sentiment of deep-seated appreciation for the opportunity to be exposed to the realities of agribusiness development in Uganda.