EMBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership

Discover more about this dual degree program, including faculty research, student profiles, and more.

Commencement cap and tassel with confetti
Johnson BusinessFeed

Johnson celebrates Class of 2020 award winners

The Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management proudly presents its award winners and special honor recipients from the Class of 2020.

Sage Hall with decorative illustrations
Johnson BusinessFeed

Late-night teamwork, Battle of the Brands, a musical goodbye, and more

Johnson’s graduates in the Class of 2020 share their favorite Cornell memories. Congratulations to our newest business management leaders!

A scientist loads a Rheonix CARD cartridge onto the Encompass MDx workstation
Dyson BusinessFeed

Alumni and students create tech-focused responses to challenges of COVID-19

New tech-focused ventures and inventions include virtual medical guidance, 3D-printed PPEs, data tracking, smart masks, and more.

Claire Dias, Executive MBA Americas ‘21 and family
Johnson BusinessFeed

Celebrating Mother’s Day: Reflections from our executive MBA moms

To celebrate Mother’s Day, nine of Johnson’s EMBA moms reflect on their executive MBA program experience while raising a family and working full time.

Geraldine McGinty
Johnson BusinessFeed

Noteworthy: Dr. Geraldine McGinty discusses the benefits of an MBA

Dr. Geraldine McGinty, MD, MBA, FACR, discusses the benefits of an MBA for healthcare professionals with the Radiology Leadership Institute.

Chelsea Clinton holding a microphone
Johnson BusinessFeed

Noteworthy: Chelsea Clinton reflects on why children’s health is close to her heart

Chelsea Clinton recently spoke as part of the Luminaries in Healthcare Leadership series presented by the Executive MBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program.

Healthcare professionals gathered around a tablet and table
Johnson BusinessFeed

Look to entrepreneurs for what’s next in healthcare

With consumers demanding more from healthcare and the industry struggling to contain costs, professionals with entrepreneurial mindsets will shape the future.

Photo of healthcare professionals collaborating around a table
Johnson BusinessFeed

Curriculum to strengthen and empower tomorrow’s healthcare leaders

At the heart of our Executive MBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program is a specialized curriculum that helps candidates strengthen their business skills and management capabilities as they relate to the healthcare industry.

Photo of a healthcare professional on a computer
Johnson BusinessFeed

Are you a good fit for the Executive MBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program?

Looking to take the next step in your healthcare career? Learn about the types of students we’re looking for and how to craft a stand-out application.