Elizabeth Tennant

Elizabeth Tennant

  • Visiting Lecturer

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Faculty Expertise

  • International and Development Economics and Policy
  • Sustainability


Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management


Cornell Directory Entry


Elizabeth Tennant is a visiting faculty member at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business and the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, where she teaches Economics of Developing Countries. She is also a Research Associate in Cornell’s Department of Economics and is a faculty member of Cornell’s Collaboration for International Development Economics Research (CIDER).

Dr. Tennant’s research centers on developing actionable insights to enhance the wellbeing of poor and marginalized populations in the face of climate change and other shocks and stressors. Her work employs integrated earth- and human-systems approaches to explore critical issues related to climate change, disaster risk reduction, resilience, and sustainable development. She is particularly interested in how institutions, inequalities, and socioeconomic patterns influence the capacity to absorb and recover from extreme weather events.

Recent Courses

  • AEM 4315/ECON 3550 - Economics of Developing Countries

Academic Degrees

  • PhD University Of Maryland, College Park, 2019
  • MPA Princeton University, 2010
  • Certificate Princeton University, 2010
  • BS College of William and Mary, 2005